• Sylvan Island

    The new Sylvan Island bridge.

    Sylvan Island's new bridge!

    Sylvan Island trail photo montage.

    Sylvan Island is a wild place to ride.

    Trail Info

    Sylvan Island Park is a great urban trail system located in Moline, Illinois just 3/4 mile West of the John Deere Commons and the iWireless Center (formerly the Mark of the Quad Cities). The island was once home to a steel mill from which remnants can still be seen such as concrete loading docks and building foundations, railroad tracks, rebar, and loose rock. Despite few elevation changes, the unique nature of the island’s trails makes Sylvan Island Park a fun yet challenging and technical place to ride. The rocky soil composition at Sylvan Island allows for quick drying after precipitation often making it the first available trail system to ride in the Quad Cities following rain and the spring thaw. Sylvan Island is always the first venue for the I-74 Mountain Bike Race Series because of its resilient riding conditions. Trails are typically rideable by early/mid March.

    Trail Overview

    There Sylvan trails are laid out as a network with many intersections giving riders a huge number of options. If you are visiting and want the best experience, it's advised to find a local guide due to the complexity of navigating the trails. Each year we link major trails together to create the Stampeede race course are riders generally follow this route for the rest of the year. Trail difficulty ranges from 6' wide crushed limestone paths to concrete rubble and brick ridden narrow and twisty singletrack. There are also tons of options for alternate lines on the many leftover building constructions scattered around the island; it's truly a MTB playground.

    Being an island, the trails are uniquely subject to the effects of the Mighty Mississippi when it spills it's banks. Check out the Inundation Map and reference it with River levels to see which trails are affected by flooding.

    Trail Map

    Sylvan Island Trail Map
    Click to enlarge.


    Take 1st Street North (toward the river) from River Drive, Moline, travel one block, turn right (East) and the park parking area is on the left.

    Other Information

    Sylvan Island is also a favored fishing area because of its prime location between the Mississippi River and Sylvan Slough.

    The Ben Butterworth Parkway bike path which extends from Rock Island, IL to Savannah, IL along the Mississippi River passes the entrance to Sylvan Island and can be followed roughly one mile East to the Moline Centre downtown or 1.5 miles West to the Rock Island District where visitors can enjoy a number of restaurants, pubs and gift shops. Please visit www.molinecentre.org or www.ridistrict.com for more information.

    Sylvan Trails in the News

  • Local Trail Conditions

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    Sylvan Island




    Scott County Park








    Prairie Park




    Dog Park


    Scott Community College


  • MTB Trail Etiquette

    • Ride Open Trails: Respect trail and road closures — ask a land manager for clarification if you are uncertain about the status of a trail. Do not trespass on private land. Obtain permits or other authorization as required. Be aware that bicycles are not permitted in areas protected as state or federal Wilderness.

    • Leave No Trace: Be sensitive to the dirt beneath you. Wet and muddy trails are more vulnerable to damage than dry ones. When the trail is soft, consider other riding options. This also means staying on existing trails and not creating new ones. Don't cut switchbacks. Be sure to pack out at least as much as you pack in.

    • Control Your Bicycle: Inattention for even a moment could put yourself and others at risk. Obey all bicycle speed regulations and recommendations, and ride within your limits.

    • Yield Appropriately: Do your utmost to let your fellow trail users know you're coming — a friendly greeting or bell ring are good methods. Try to anticipate other trail users as you ride around corners. Bicyclists should yield to other non-motorized trail users, unless the trail is clearly signed for bike-only travel. Bicyclists traveling downhill should yield to ones headed uphill, unless the trail is clearly signed for one-way or downhill-only traffic. In general, strive to make each pass a safe and courteous one.

    • Never Scare Animals: Animals are easily startled by an unannounced approach, a sudden movement or a loud noise. Give animals enough room and time to adjust to you. When passing horses, use special care and follow directions from the horseback riders (ask if uncertain). Running cattle and disturbing wildlife are serious offenses.

    • Plan Ahead: Know your equipment, your ability and the area in which you are riding and prepare accordingly. Strive to be self-sufficient: keep your equipment in good repair and carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear.