• FORC Side Thrill Ride

    The Sunderbruch trails will be closed to the public from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm on Sunday 6/2.
    We are delaying race starts 2 hours to allow more dry time from overnight rain. First race will start at 11:00am.

    2024 FORC Side Thrill Ride MTB Race: Click for event details.
    FORC Side Thrill Ride
    Sunday June 2nd | Sunderbruch Park - Davenport, IA.
    Pre-register now at BikeReg!

    Full Details Here | Like and follow this event on Facebook.

  • Illiniwek Abermination

    2024 Illiniwek Aberminaiton MTB Race: Click for event details.
    Illiniwek Abermination VII
    Saturday May 4th | Illiniwek Forest Preserve - Hampton, IL.

    Huge thanks again to all the racers, volunteers, and sponsors for making another great Aberminaiton possible! And a tip of the hat to mother nature for sparing us from the red radar blobs.

    Race Results are Posted Here

    2024 Sereis Results are Posted Here

    Full Details Here | Like and follow this event on Facebook.

  • Get Trailwork Announcements

    Fall is a great time for riding, but also a great time for trail building! If you want to keep up to date with upcoming trail workdays, subscribe to your preferred trail forums.

    Subscribe to receive trail updates & workday announcements.

    1a. Register for a FORC web account to access our Discussion Forums.
    1b. If already registered, verify your email address is correct in your profile by clicking here while logged in.
    3. Click the green check mark outlined in red above for your preferred trails. A black circle icon will appear when subscribed.
    4. Receive the latest trail and workday announcements to your inbox!

  • Trail Etiquette Refresh

    Trail ettiquite tips incoming.

    Trail Ettiquite Refresher

    With the explosion of new riders on the trails, it's probably a good idea for a refresher PSA on trail etiquette.

    • Only ride open trails. Trails close when muddy and sometimes for user safety issues or special events. Check the trail status app for the latest local trail conditions.
    • Leave no trace. Stay on the trail: don't shortcut features or switchbacks and don't modify features without permission. If you can't ride it, walk it. Land managers don't appreciate braided trails and closing them takes time away from other projects our trail builders want to accomplish. Pack out trash and pickup some more on the way out.
    • Stay in control. Ride within your ability and slow down for corners with low visibility (expect someone on the other side). Don't skid! Skidding tears up the trail and makes the trail builders sad. It also makes you look like a newb.
    • Yield appropriately. Be courteous to other trail users by letting them know your presence. Follow trail signs for travel direction if they exist. Follow existing traffic laws when on roads (yes they apply to bikes too).
    • Don't scare animals. Equestrians share some of the trails we ride and horses can be startled easily. Approach cautiously and ask the horse rider for guidance if planning to pass.
    • Be prepared & self sufficient. Give your gear a quick check before each ride and bring the necessary tools for common mechanical problems (tube, pump, multi-tool, zip ties, etc.) Don't forget a snack & water for longer rides. Be aware of the weather.

  • Subscribe to the Let's Ride Forum

    Subscribe to the Let's Ride forum to receive email alerts when rides are posted.

    Want to receive email alerts about rides posted in the Let's Ride forum? It's an easy way to meet new riding buddies and stay up to date with local and away rides.

    To get set up, click the green check-mark to the right of the Let's Ride Forum in the Forum overview or simply click here If you wish to unsubscribe, just click the black circle button to stop notifications. If you're not receiving notifications but are already subscribed, check that the email address in your profile is correct.

  • Sylvan Island Shelter Fundraising

    Moline Foundation presents FORC with a grant of $10K for the Sylvan Shelter Project

    FORC is building a shelter on Sylvan Island and we need your help!

    Shelter Funding Meter [$20K Needed]
    $20,000 Raised

    Update 5/20/21

    We've reached our funding goal! Thanks again everyone! So, what comes next? We'll start work on pouring a concrete pad for anchoring the shelter and once the shelter pieces are delivered we'll start putting it together. Stay tuned for announcements detailing the progress of the build!

    Update 5/18/21

    We're nearing our funding goal rapidly thanks to a number of significant donations over the past few months. If you still want to contribute, click the button below to make a donation while there's still time! Thank you to everyone who has already donated!

    The shelter has been ordered. We have a contractor to do the concrete work. And we're ready to pull the trigger and get the shelter built once all the materials arrive. It won't be long!

    The Lowdown:

    • FORC is building a 20' x 20' Poligon Steel Shelter on Sylvan Island (like the one at Sunderbruch Park).
    • We need to raise $20k to complete the project ($10k already raised by a grant from the Moline Foundation).
    • The shelter will be a focal point for events on the island, enjoyed by the public, and feature a plaque celebrating FORC founders/volunteers.
  • Earn Your Shirt

    This shirt can't be bought, only earned.

    Earn Your Shirt!

    We're giving away custom trail volunteer t-shirts as a way to say thanks to the volunteers who help maintain local trails and encourage new volunteers to get involved! These will not be available for sale and must be eared by sweat. Get a trail volunteer card, volunteer for 5 trail days, turn in the card, and then get a shirt! Check out how this all works here: Earn Your Shirt!

  • FORC Homepage

    Who are the Friends of Off Road Cycling (or FORC for short)? We are a group of dedicated volunteers on a mission to improve local mountain biking opportunities by building new trail, maintaining existing trail, hosting MTB related educational events, and building the mountain bike community right here in the QC. If you'd like to be a part of this, become a member and let's get to work. Click here to find out more about what we do.

  • Upcoming Events

    FORC Side Thrill Ride MTB Race

    Sun. Jun. 2nd 2024 - 8:00am to 4:00pm

  • Trailwork Announcements


    Sunderbruch Race Prep - 6/1 9:00 AM

    Going to delay the start until 2:00 pm

    AndyJ 06-01-2024, 07:12 AM Go to last post

    Sunderbruch Race Prep - 6/1 9:00 AM

    Planning to do some final preparation for the race on Sunday. There are couple of wood features that need some attention prior to the race as well a couple of trees that need cutting. There is a...

    AndyJ 05-31-2024, 12:53 PM Go to last post
  • Local Trail Conditions

    Report Trail Issue

    Sylvan Island




    Scott County Park








    Prairie Park




    Dog Park


    Scott Community College


  • Winter Trail Conditions

    Important Winter Trail Information

    Winter weather is here and local trails will be experiencing freeze thaw cycles. This means conditions will be unsuitable for riding (as well as foot traffic) until the ground freezes solid and daytime temperatures stay well below freezing. Click here to learn more.

  • Night Riding

    When the days get shorter and weekday riding opportunities fade, some riders opt to strap on lights and hit the trails after dark. Below are the current policies of local parks regarding night riding and after dark trail closures.

    • Sunderbruch: Night riding is allowed at all hours. Park in the lot outside the main gates to avoid getting locked in!
    • Stephen's Park: Night riding is allowed. Park is open until 11pm.
    • Illiniwek: Night riding is allowed until 10pm. Be off the trails and out of the park by 10pm.
    • Dorrance: Night riding is allowed until 10pm. Be off the trails and out of the park by 10pm.
    • Scott County Park: For the month of October, SCP is allowing night riding. Riders must be off the trails and out of the park by 9:30pm.
    • Westbrook Park: Night riding is not allowed unless officially recognized by the park. Trails open dawn to dusk.
    • Sylvan Island: Night riding not allowed. Trails open from 6 am to sunset.