McWrath makes a good point - If we're happy with where we're at, doing what we've always done, and content in where we're going, then Chapter isn't for us. Personally, I think we can do more and I believe Chapter is vital to where I'd like this club to go.

That said....I brought materials involving the application process for 501(c)3 to a Board meeting a while ago (we were still at River House) and I was told that it was too expensive and took too long to do. Now, we have the opportunity to acquire 501(c)3 for basically a $500 enrollment fee but we'd rather do it ourselves? I'm confused.

I fail to see how giving up a lowly $8 a member will compromise ANYTHING this club has done in the past or will do in the future.

It might help to look at the 60/40 from another standpoint -

Rider A pays $50 to IMBA in 2012 for a yearly membership. She chose to give $50 cuz she likes socks. So she gets some socks, a year's worth of Dirtrag, some stickers, and other miscellaneous stuff - including an email instantly welcoming her as a member of IMBA and spells out exactly what she'll be receiving in the mail. Rider A rides the local trails and wants to give back. So she chooses to join FORC at the individual rate of $20. Maybe, in a few weeks, depending on how busy the FORC VP is with his life that week (no offense, we all have lives to lead), she gets a neat card in the mail that thanks her for becoming a member. It's up to her to locate the FORC website, the Facebook page for updates, and peruse the forum for upcoming rides, events, etc. She has invested $70 into her local MTB community and feels great about herself and what she's become a part of, although she isn't exactly sure what she's a part of....yet.
***Total rider investment - $70.
***IMBA nets $50, FORC nets $20

Rider B pays $30 to IMBA in 2012 and chooses his closest local Chapter club (LAMBA, at this point). He doesn't get socks but he gets Dirtrag, stickers, and the regular stuff as well as some discount offers on LAMBA merch. Also instantly, he receives an email welcoming him to the MTB community. Within this email is a direct link to the main LAMBA page (which looks no different than it did prior to becoming Chapter) which is full of details for upcoming rides, events, and current philanthropic efforts. There's also a convenient "Like" button for Facebook right in the email. Simple. Easy. No-brainer, even. Rider B is stoked that his local club is active in fundraising and notices there's a ride this Thursday evening when he happens to have some free time. He has $30 invested, became a member of a national MTB organization ***AND*** his local MTB club. He's already posted in the forum and is stoked to join up with some local MTBers on the trail.
***Total rider investment - $30
***IMBA nets $18, FORC nets $12

IMBA actually loses MORE money than the local Chapter club when Rider B signs up.

From a rider/member standpoint, on the outside looking in, which would you rather do?

I understand a few FORC members belong to multiple clubs in the looks like there will be no issue in joining those other clubs. If FORC hosts a TT and a LAMBA member shows up to participate, he/she will still be required to join FORC at the $20 Basic member rate. And, if those other clubs so happen to be Chapter, I'm certain they won't be worried about IMBA double dipping $8 of your membership fee to join their club because they're benefiting from the larger donations, land access, and new trails that the Chapter program has helped them acquire. If you don't want IMBA to double dip but you want to contribute and help out that other club, simply donate your $20. Pretty sure they'll accept your donation!

It appears as though we're gaining momentum for this program as some see the opportunities Chapter would present to this club.

Getting caught up in the 60/40 split, IMBA double dipping, and other administrative tasks like applying for 501(c)3 (which have all of the sudden became enviable) while this club sits on a huge cash surplus (which membership fees are a very small part of) and fumbles about trying to find ways in which to spend it, is highly petty and largely short sighted.

Do you not see the potential Chapter gives this club for land-access, trail building, and event organization?

Are you comfortable with what FORC has already accomplished and want nothing to do with achieving even more?

We need to continue growing and moving forward, not for us, but for future generations of mountain bikers. You may be happy with Sunderbruch, ScoCoPa, Sylvan, and Illiniwek now but what about in 10 years? Will you, me, US, be around doing the same things or will we make the difficult decisions now to lay the groundwork that allows the future generations to further grow and progress MTB as a sport and continue to be a vital part of the Quad City community?

This is SO MUCH LARGER than a 60/40 split....the fact that we are so caught up in this just befuddles me.

Frankly, I want to build world-class trails and I need the money, land, and resources to do it. Chapter would give me, my Trail Care Crew, and this club the opportunity to do just that.

Loud Thunder Forest Preserve has the acreage and terrain to become a world-class MTB facility, with the potential of becoming an IMBA Ride Center. Why wouldn't we want to pursue this? Having the legitimacy of Chapter, and the backing of IMBA, we would be able to make a much stronger case to Rock Island County. This could be huge, we, as a club, want this? I'm sure you know my answer.....

Case Study::: 6 FORCers rode a trail 2 weeks ago that is nothing short of groundbreaking. Free Lunch in Grand Junction is the absolute FIRST trail of it's kind - a BLM approved true free-ride trail. After a long and arduous process spanning over 5 years, COPMOBA and the BLM finally reached an agreement to commence construction in the Tabeguahce Trail area, and the Lunch Loops Trail System specifically. This trail is groundbreaking from a political standpoint, from a local club/government standpoint, and most importantly a land-access standpoint. 5 years of fighting with bureaucrats, red-tape, and other BS? No thank you. Give me a strong platform to stand on (Chapter), with the support and resources of a national organization (IMBA), and the capability, dedication, and determination of a local volunteer MTB club (FORC) and I'll get us the land-access and funds to build world class facilities.

^^^THAT'S where I'm going with this.


Why sell ourselves short over a 60/40 split at $8 a member? I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of driving 10+ hours to ride world-class trails when we have the land to build on right here.

Once again, I'll ask the members of this club - are you satisfied with what FORC has done and continues to do or would you like to be part of something even bigger? The answer to that question should help you decide whether Chapter is right for us or not.