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Thread: IFP Trailwork Email Notfications

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default IFP Trailwork Email Notfications

    I'm putting together an email notification list for people who are interested in helping with trail work at Illiniwek but don't check the website very often and miss the announcements. If this sounds like something you are interested in, send me a private message with your name and email address and I will add you to the list. Work day announcements will still be posted in the Illiniwek forum and on the FORC calendar for those who would prefer to get them that way.

    You can also subscribe to the Illiniwek forum and choose to receive email updates whenever a new topic is created (which are usually work day announcements).

    Edit: Forgot to mention this but if you want to help with trail work you must be a member in good standing to participate due to our club insurance requirements. We know this isn't the best policy to attract new volunteers but those are the rules we have to play by. You can join by printing off an application (click here to download it) and bringing it with you to a work day or other FORC event or mailing it in. Click here to see additional benefits of becoming a FORC member.
    Last edited by DH001; 04-13-2014 at 04:27 PM.

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