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Thread: DFP - Sunday 12/17 @ 10am

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default DFP - Sunday 12/17 @ 10am

    The Final Hurrah for 2017?
    • The ground isn't frozen so we can keep digging!
    • We're continuing work on the final segment of blue loop (Loam Ranger). After the last workday we're at 80% completion.
    • Moderate bench work and roller building are planned.
    • Dirt working tools (shovels & hoes) required. I'll have extras to loan out.
    • Meet in the upper clearing lot at the top of the gravel road next to the kiosk (directions here) at 10:00 am and we'll work until 1ish.
    • The main gates will be closed but unlocked if you arrive late. Please close them behind you!
    • Please RSVP if you can make it. Facebook Event Here

    • Sun. 12/17 @ 10am

    Click to enlarge.

    No experience necessary to help! If you can dig a hole, we can show you how to build trail. Plenty of experienced builders will be around to show you the ropes and answer questions. If you haven't volunteered for a trail day before, check out this article to know how to prepare: Things to Know Before Volunteering for a Trail Work Day

    A few weeks ago we knocked out 200yds of trail in one day! This puts us at 80% completion for this segment.

    Last edited by DH001; 12-15-2017 at 06:16 PM.
    ⚒ Trails don't build themselves. ⚒

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