Thanks everyone who has already volunteered! We still need a few more people for marshals and teardown. If you haven't already, remember to register as a volunteer on River Action's website to reserve your free t-shirt! (Click Here To Register)

- iluvdirt
- Steve B.
- John & Deb
- Mandy

- Surge
- Steve B.
- Mandy
- Dave & Carol
- John & Deb
- iluvdirt

- iluvdirt
- John & Deb

Iluvdirt, I already have someone lined up to haul the trailer to the park Fri. evening, but we'll need someone to haul it back to storage (in downtown Rock Island) after the event. The trailer has a 2" ball.

There is also one more Tune Up this week on Thursday Sept. 15th at 5:30pm. I'll be out setting up arrows at 5:00pm if you want to stop by to help (meeting at the trailhead).