Trek Store in Davenport has graciously decided to donate a fat tire for GFBD raffle. Benefits of which will be donated by QCFB to FORC.

This makes (at least) 4 new Surly fat tires that will be finding a new rim to wrap at GFBD. This makes me happy as I will be winning one of them! (The fix is most definitely in)

They wanted to let everyone know that they have SEVEN (7) Trek Farley's IN STOCK at their Davenport location. I threw my leg over one last Friday and they are most definitely a great fat bike to consider. They have small (15.5) Medium (17.5) and Larges (19.5) assembled on the floor. Do yourself a favor and go ride one.

So be sure to visit your neighborhood bike shops this holiday season and spend some hard earned cash LOCALLY. I have asked my family to shop at the local shops and businesses not only for me, but for everyone on their list.