We will be having a trail day Sunday October 2nd at Illiniwek. Meet in the bottom lot, right off of Rt-84, at 9:30. We will have a short briefing on the work plan and will head into the woods after that.

I recommend bringing safety glasses, gloves, long sleeves and pants, sturdy shoes, and water. The area we will be working is on steep side slopes with patches of dense undergrowth and these items will make it much more comfortable.

We will be providing most of the tools for the day, but if you have loppers or pruning saws bing them along.

After we are done working, we will have a grill fired up and burgers/dogs will be provided for the volunteers. Bring something else to grill if you want and a side dish to share. If you plan on attending, please post up so I know how much food to get.

After lunch, plan on a mellow group ride.

PS: Those who wish to participate need to be members in good standing because of our clubs insurance rules. If you need to join or renew your membership: click here