Hey everybody, I bring you an update on the conditions of Sunderbruch...

First, the gates are still *closed*. We may or may not have the ability to open them...SO, if they are still closed when you go down there today, parking will be limited to the little lot on each side of the gates and the side of the road. Sucks, I know, so we're trying to get the gates opened as I type this.

Second, the trails are OPEN.

You may be riding along and see a few soft spots; maybe even ruts. In the past, I have been known to hop on this forum and rant and rave about not riding through ruts because they hold water, blah, blah, blah. And now, I'm opening the trails...so what gives?!!?

Basically, the ground right now is soft. Tires aren't sinking in, but rather packing the soft stuff down. The trails actually *need* more tires to knock down these ruts so we can then come in and de-berm the outslope of the trail. Do not be afraid to ride right through these soft areas. Most notably, Kickapoo Up. In fact, make it a "skills game" and try to hit the high spots if you see ruts to knock them down. Tires do a better job than a shovel!

Watch out for debris on the trails. These twigs have been known to quickly, and without notice, bend spokes, derailleur hangers, and other parts. I tried to clear as much as I could without completely killing the flow of my ride yesterday but I did not get everything. So ride with caution.

Remember, these are Mountain Bike Trails, not paved interstate super-highways. There will be some rough spots. ;-) But, if we can get tires on the trails while they're soft, we can pack them down - especially the new stuff on Blue Mound - and ride them in.

All this said, if we get a good rain tonight as is being called for, when you wake up tomorrow morning and hop on the forum fully expect the trails to be closed! So, get out there and ride today!!!

P.S. Yesterday was the first time I rode through the rock garden on Blue Mound...f'n sweet! If I could offer a tip it would be - don't kill your flow when you reach the top of the hill right before the rocks. Stay off the brakes (well, if you must, use your rear brake only!), pick a line, stay loose on the bike and get back...you will go right through it, come out the other side, and say to yourself "that's it??? piece of cake!" Awesome fun!