you know...

sometimes to appreciate something, you need time away. when you come back, if you're still happy with what you've got you know it's something special.

so......I tore down my Lunchbox 2 days after getting back from The Trip to Epic Gnarnia a few months ago. I rode the Niner exclusively until the fattie came along. It's been a month since I've ridden anything but the Orange Beast.

tonight, I lifted the lonely Lunchbox frame off the wall, grabbed the box 'o parts and went to work. about an hour later, it was complete so I slapped on my beanie and some gloves and took to the street.

if you're ever thinking you have a heavy bike - ride a fattie for a month straight, then hop back on your other bike. it's a whole new world.

...sorry for the gush here. just figured I'd give a glimpse into what goes on in my crazy f'd up head sometimes.