I spent a measly hour this morning screwing deck screws into the flat boards on one of the big bridges on Jubilee @ Sunderbruch. While it feels like I didn't accomplish that much, that's one less hour someone else is going to have to spend out there working - and every single hour adds up.

As I was doing this today, I took a minute to assess the scope of this project. It's truly unbelievable what has been accomplished in such a short amount of time. I also see that there is a helluva lot of work left to do and since the ribbon cutting is next Friday, there's not much time left to do it. If I were on this crew, I'd be stressed to the max!

I can't express enough how proud I am to be part of this project. Though I've only contributed about 6 hours total, I still feel like I'm part of it. I hope that anyone and everyone who can, will give 30 min or an hour or even more of their time to take some of the load off the half dozen or so who have done the bulk of the work and - MORE IMPORTANTLY - be able to say that you played a part in building what is going to be one of the baddest mile of trail in the Midwest.

I don't do a lot of trail work. Maybe you do a lot at another park - that's great and I have a newfound respect for what you've accomplished as well! But maybe you're like me and just can't make the scheduled days or don't know what to do...First, there will probably be someone out there every night from now thru next Thursday. Second, if you want to go it alone, call or text Ray or Mielke 309-737-4762 or 563-676-8534 - like I did last night - and ask them what you can do to help. There is skilled work and there is trivial work left to do. I just grabbed a screw gun and went to town. It was easy, but I'm sure it helped a little.

There's only 1 week left to be able to put your name to this one. If you want it, please find a way to do it. Even if it's just 60 minutes...It'll be appreciated and you'll be damn glad you did. I guarantee it. Of course, this goes for every park and every project. This is just the one that's on the hot list now. Understand that all of our trail crews appreciate every ounce of effort and support you can give. I have much love and respect for all you crazy trail builders, and just like hitting SCP or Illiniwek for the 1st time, I can not wait to rip through Jubilee with a big ass smile on my face!

Thanks for your consideration.