With Forcmiester's recent resignation (long live the KING!) FORC is in need of someone to fill his spot as Race Director.

I would like to take this opportunity to nominate Kings & Neips to fill FMs shoes.

Two people for one position you ask?


Ask yourself this: self, when was the last time you heard of something Kings did without Neips in the same sentence, and vice versa? They're two peas in a pod, one and the same.

Five years ago these doods dominated the Novice class. Then they stepped up to Sport and had trouble finding riders worthy of competition. The last two years, they've been honing their skills in the Expert class. These guys are dialed in on the pulse of the racing scene.

Who better to coordinate FORC's races than Kings & Neips?

Kings & Neips for 2012 Race Director(s).

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?