I don't think going Chapter is going to change the way FORC operates in any visible way and I don't see any disadvantages to doing it.

  • I see Chapter freeing up volunteers to work on other more important projects than record keeping and administrative tasks. We will also gain access to tools to better share information with all of our members.
  • I see it creating a stronger national voice for MTBers to fight for trail access and preservation which some groups are actively trying (and succeeding) to exclude us from.
  • We can use IMBA's 501(c)3 tax exempt status which can save us 5-7% on all purchases due to sales tax. Having this status will make it easier for us to receive large corporate/personal donations because donors can write off donations to a 501(c)3 organization on their taxes. It is also a prerequisite to applying for many federal/state grants.
  • Dual membership to both IMBA and FORC for the price of one membership. 40% of membership dues are retained by FORC while 60% go to IMBA for administrative and chapter program expansion costs. Not sure what the price of a membership will be yet, but it would need to be enough for us to continue to cover our clubs insurance policy and basic operating costs.
  • Being part of a larger national organization (IMBA) will make our club appear more "legitimate" to those who don't know who we are or what we do. This can be important when dealing with advocacy and land use issues.

That's all I have for now. I will probably think of a few more things.