XXForcfest Update!
One of the events we have scheduled, during the Fest, is the Founders/Presidents Ride. On behalf of myself and all FORCers we would like to cordially invite all past FORC Presidents, as well as, all the folks who were around at the start of this thing called FORC to join us at Scott County Park Saturday 8/5 @ 11:00am for a trip around the park and back through time, as we relive (and embellish) all the great times FORC and bikes have brought us. Everyone should join in to honor and thank the folks that started it all. Friends of Off Road Cycling isn't a place, it's a frame of mind.
So click on the Fest Banner or go to Evenbrite to reserve your spot in history!
XXForcfest, because we won't turn 20 again. #qcforc, #xxforcfest