I got no horse in this race, but until there are enough to split the class to sport and expert, it seems a choice between 5 women having to pass 100 guys or 75 guys having to pass 15 women. Some of these women definately are fast enough that having them start behind all the slow doods like me is a shame.

On the other hand, using the stampede as an example, how would the other 25 woman have enjoyed the race when there were 100 guys trying to pass them on the 1st lap? Talk about a no win situation. No easy answer here unless the womens class is big enough to split. (It was big enough to split at the stampede but even the psychic friends network didn't see that comin so the officials did the best they could at the time.)

Definately an issue that needs to be looked at. We keep getting all these cool MTB ladies comin to the events so I'm sure the race directors are taking notice!

And I know this is sexist- but is there anything hotter than a chick that's fast on the single track? Besides Gunchie and slim, I mean. BWAHAHAHA!