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Thread: 2011 Illiniwek Trail Maintenance Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default 2011 Illiniwek Trail Maintenance Log

    03.18.11 John, Drew 2 x 4 hrs = 8 hrs
    SL Rehab: Closed trails on south loop which were made redundant by reroutes completed in late fall of 2010.
    NL: Cleared fallen tree. Reset plank and improved drainage.
    SL: Installed plank in wet area. Refined trail through dip in upper field.

    03.26.11 John, Zach, Jared, Cory, Drew (2,2,2,3,3) = 12 hrs
    S-N Connector: Dirt work.

    03.29.11 Drew 3.5 hrs
    S-N Connector: Dirt work.

    03.30.11 Drew 1.75 hrs
    S-N Connector: Berm construction.

    03.31.11 Drew 4 hrs
    S-N Connector: Berm construction.

    04.01.11 Drew 1.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Trail alignment adjustments.

    04.02.11 John, Jared, Brian, Jordan, Drew, Ray, Soya (2.75, 2.75, 2.75, 2.75, 2.75, 1.5, 1.5) = 16.75 hrs
    S-N Connector: Finished installing bridges and finished trail bed.

    04.14.11 John, Drew (1.5 + 2.5) = 4 hrs
    SL Extension: Started clearing undergrowth and dead fall.

    04.20.11 Drew 3.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Clearing & grubbing

    04.21.11 John, Zach, Jared, Brian, Chris, Clark, Paul C., Jeff, Drew: (2, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 2.5, 3) = 19.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Clearing & grubbing.

    04.24.11 Jordan, Drew 2 hrs
    SL Extension: Surveyed trail length and side slopes to estimate number of work hours required for completion.

    04.26.11 Drew 3 hrs
    SL Extension: Final flagging for dirt work.

    04.28.11 Brian, Clark, Carol, Dave, Drew (5 x 2 hrs) = 10 hrs
    SL Extension: Began dirt work. 182 yds. finished.

    05.01.11 John, Dennis, Zach, Drew (1.5+1+2+3) = 7.5 hrs
    Cleared trees from north loop

    Total: 97 hrs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    05.03.11 John, Paul C., Drew (2+2+5) = 9 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirt work.

    05.05.11 Drew 3 hrs
    SL Extension: Retaining wall/berm construction.
    John, Brian, Jeff, Drew (4 x 2.25 hrs) = 7 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirt work.

    05.07.11 Brian, Drew (2 x 3 hrs) = 6 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirt work.

    Total: 122 hrs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Drew 1.75 hrs

    SL Extension: Final flagging
    Jessie, Paul C., Drew (3 x 1.5) = 4.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    05.11.11 Drew 2.75 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    05.12.11 John, Clark, Paul, Drew (4 x 2 hrs) = 8 hrs
    NLUD1: Clearing fallen tree, widening and improving trail

    05.17.11 John, Paul, Brian, Drew (2+2+3+3) = 10 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    Drew 3hrs

    SL Extension: Berm construction
    Paul, Jordan, Drew (3 x 2hrs) = 6 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    Total: 161 hrs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    05.19.11 Drew 3 hrs
    SL Extension: Berm construction

    05.21.11 Brian, Drew (2 x 3hrs) = 6 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    05.26.11 John, Paul, Drew (2+2+1.25) = 5.25 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    05.28.11 Drew 1.25 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    05.31.11 John Drew (2 x 3 hrs) = 6 hrs
    South Loop: Weed trimming

    06.01.11 John, Drew, Paul (2+1.5+2) = 5.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork.
    South Loop: Weed trimming

    06.02.11 John, Jeff, Carol, Dave, Russ, Drew (2+2+2+2+1.5+2) = 11.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    06.03.11 Drew 1.25 hrs
    SL: Deberming / maintenance
    SL Extension: Final flagging

    06.05.11 Brian Drew (2 x 2 hrs) = 4hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    John, Paul, Brian, Brad, Reed, Drew (2.5+2.5+2.5+1.5+5.5) = 11.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    06.08.11 Drew .5 hrs
    SL: Mowing upper field trail.

    06.09.11 John Drew Scott S. (2+4+1) = 7 hrs
    SL: Storm cleanup
    SL Extension: Moving and cutting log bridge

    06.11.11 Drew 3.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Cut planks for bridge

    06.12.11 Drew Brain (3.5+3) = 6.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Bridge construction

    06.13.11 Brian, Cory, Drew (3x3 hrs) = 9 hrs
    SL Extension: Clearing
    Clearing storm debris
    John, Dennis (2 x 2hrs) = 4 hrs
    NL: Weed trimming

    06.14.11 Drew 1.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Final flagging
    Brian, Paul, Drew (3+2.5+3) =8.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    06.16.11 John, Russ, Dennis, Paul, Drew (3+2.5+2.5+2.5+3) = 13.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork. Trail officially opened.

    Total: 272.75 Hours

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    06.18.11 Drew 1.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Cleanup, deberming, drainage improvements

    06.19.11 John, Bryan, Drew (3 x 2 hrs) = 6hrs
    Upper NL: Trimming back weeds and face slappers

    06.21.11 John, Paul, Bryan, Reed, Drew (2+2+3.5+3+3.5) = 14 hrs
    SL: Weed trimming and clearing debris off of trails
    SL Extension: fixing wet spots caused by seeping roots and ruts retaining the water
    Connector: Lengthened and raised berm near parking lot and Osage orange tree
    SLUD2: Built large berm on corner closest to ranger house

    06.22.11 John Drew (2+3) = 5 hrs
    SL Extension: Debermed trail that was retaining water from seeping roots, widened section near bridge and lengthened smaller berm towards bridge, widened corner on point 4 and constructed all dirt berm from spoils.

    06.23.11 Bryan Drew (2x3) = 6 hrs
    SL Extension: Constructed berm on lower S-turn section, fixed low rutted out spots where we overfilled glass dump, widened corner on point 1.

    06.27.11 John Drew (1+1) = 2 hrs
    SL: Removed large oak tree that fell onto trail.

    08.10.11 Bryan Drew (2 x 2.5 hrs) = 5 hrs
    SLUD2: Constructed berm on tight off camber corner above lower s-turn section.
    SL Extension: Removed temporary paving stones for wet spots.

    08.12.11 Drew 1.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    08.13.11 Drew 2.5 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    08.14.11 Bryan Drew ( 2x 1.5 hrs) = 3 hrs
    SL Extension: Dirtwork

    08.15.11 Drew 1 hr
    South Loop / Connector: Weed trimming

    08.23.11 Drew .5 hrs
    SLUD2: Dirtwork-insloped corner

    08.28.11 Drew 3 hrs
    SLUD1: Flagging/surveying

    09.06.11 Drew 4 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Flagging/surveying.

    09.13.11 Drew Brain (2+2) = 4 hrs
    NLUD2: Reworking berm on overlook point

    09.19.11 Drew Bryan (2.5 x 2) = 5 hrs
    NLUD2: Added berm on upper corner of S-turn

    09.20.11 Drew Bryan (3+2) = 5 hrs
    NLUD2: Constructed two small berms to eliminate front tire washout.

    09.27.11 Drew 2 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Flagging.

    09.28.11 Drew 2.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Flagging.

    09.29.11 Bryan Drew (2 x 2hrs) = 4 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Clearing trail (chainsaw work)

    10.01.11 Bryan Drew (3.5 + 4) = 7.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Clearing/brushing/grubbing

    10.02.11 “Subway” Brian, Vonda, Bexter, John B., Deb, Dennis, Zach, Paul, Russ, Andy, Mielke, Ray, Bryan, Jordan, Drew (2.25 x 15) = 33.75 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork & clearing. (~200 yds of trail constructed on 40-60% side slopes)

    10.04.11 Bryan Drew (1.5 + 2) = 3.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork

    10.06.11 John, Dennis, Bryan, Paul, Drew = 9.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork

    10.07.11 Drew 1.5 hrs
    SL (Hubbard Rd trail): Clearing large oak tree that fell across trail.

    10.11.11 Drew 2.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork

    10.12.11 Bryan Drew (2+2.5) = 5.5 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork

    10.13.11 John, Cory, Bryan, Drew = 8.25 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork

    10.16.11 Bryan Drew (3.5 x 2) = 7 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Dirtwork
    Overlook: Scouting

    10.17.11 Drew 2.25 hrs
    NLUD1.1: Gathered materials for retaining walls
    Overlook: Scouting and flagging.

    10.18.11 Drew 3.5 hrs
    Overlook: Scouting/trail layout.

    10.19.11 Bryan Drew (2 + 2.5) = 4.5 hrs
    Overlook: Flagging, clearing fallen tree.

    10.20.11 John Russ Drew (1.5+1+2) = 4.5 hrs
    Overlook: Clearing, flagging.

    10.21.11 Drew Jordan (1.5 + .5) = 2 hrs
    Overlook: Flagging.

    10.22.11 Drew 1.5 hr
    NL: Scouting for reroutes.

    10.23.11 Dennis, Scott S., John, Deb, Vonda, Michelle, Paul C., Jake, Andy J., Russ, Chris, Chris’s GF, Drew = 37 hrs
    Overlook: Dirtwork

    10.27.11 Paul Bryan Drew (2+1+2) = 5 hrs
    Overlook: Dirtwork

    11.11.11 Drew 1 hrs
    NLUD2: Removed fallen tree
    SLUD2: Removed fallen tree

    11.16.11 Drew .5 hrs
    NLUD2: Removed fallen tree

    11.21.11 Drew 1 hr
    Overlook: Flagging/clearing.

    12.17.11 Drew .5 hrs
    SLUD2: Clearing fallen tree.

    We ended the year with 489.5 volunteer hours logged. Thank you everyone that helped out in 2011!

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