Sincerely- Thanks to you all for the support and kind words. I had heard of people getting hurt running into each other and must admit, I didn't see how it could be that bad- Trees and Rocks hurt, people are soft. (For the record, Russ is not soft. I think I broke my jaw on his bicep. He's been working out again.)

The crash was a real fluke- brand new trail, we both waited a bit to see if anyone else was coming the other way over the hill, both of us looking down at the loose soil and rocks to maintain our lines and moving VERY FAST, me trying to get back up the hill and Russ coming down it. I heard Forcmeister say "Oh F***!", I looked up and it was over.

After the crash, the FORCers on site were very supportive and professional. My mouth kept filling up with blood so I was spitting it out repeatedly, and Russ was saying he was seeing double and his boys were in severe pain. The FORCers took their time untangling us, letting us lay in a "comfortable" heap checking ourselves out before helping us up. After I decided to go to the hospital Neips followed me out, Paul Struck went to find Poofy. You guys did a great job staying calm and assessing the situation.

Funny thing- After the crash I had a gap between 2 teeth on the lower right side that looked like a tooth was missing. I mean, I pulled my lip down and showed the guys- it looked like the tooth was gone and we even looked for it on the ground and accused Russ of swallowing it!! HA! The funny part is that NO TEETH were missing. The gap is where the jaw was broken and it had seperated about 3/8ths of an inch, making it look like a tooth was gone! After surgery I was feeling it with my tongue and I couldn't believe the tooth was back! Turns out it was there all along!

Russ, I'm very glad to hear you are ok and just got your bell rung. My jaw will heal and it's not a lifetime injury so we're both stronger and wiser, although I think I'll skip this class next time. My bike is fine, Sorry to hear we bent your wheel, Russ. Hope it pulls back ok.

Again, thanks to everyone, you FORCers are a great group. I'm proud to be one of you.