I'll try another one... (any chance someone could help me out with manuals and larger size jumps)

Skinny's, there are 2 things to know to ride skinny's.

1. Look at the other end of the skinny.

If your eyes are focused straight down at the skinny where your front tire is, you lose balance too easy, so focus your eyes out ahead on the skinny.

2. You get to decide when to get off.

Just because you rode onto a skinny doesn't mean you have to clear it. If you feel uncomfortable, like you're not going to make it, then ride off of the side of it. People crash on skinny's when they're trying to stay on it even though they're not going to make it to the end. Lots of us doods who ride skinny's playing around will crash because we just don't want to give up on it, but when you are 1st learning- the best skill to master is when to say "Oops, not gonna make this one" and hop off of it while you still have control.

Locally- for people who want to learn, I like the skinny just after the big log pile on LT at Sunderbruch. It's VERY skinny, but it's only about 10-12 inches high so if you need to get off of it you can just ride off the side. (Watch you rear derailler!)

As with anything, practice works.

Good Luck!!