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Thread: Trail skill levels

  1. #1

    Cool Trail skill levels

    Hi all!

    I'm relatively new to mountain biking and have yet to have the opportunity to ride the trails at Scott Co Park, due to the extreme amounts of moisture that we have endured this Summer. As I have never ridden them, I was after a bit of insight as to the level of skill required to ride safely out there. Can beginners hit the trails and still spend the majority of the time in the saddle, or is it pretty technical?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Interstate 80


    You should be fine on most of the trails at Scott, the technical nature there is more "tight and twisty" in sections, no crazy climbs or drops. Certainly plenty of trail for novice riders. Print off the map and take a whirl. If you're comfortable on Parkview and ScoCoPa, go ahead and give Cannon's a go. Note there have been a couple of new trails added just off of the trailhead that are not shown on the map.

    Just ride!
    Haters gonna hate.

  3. #3


    Hey, thanks man! I was kinda planning on just giving it a go and enjoying myself. Just wanted to give the group a heads up as to what they may be in for. I appreciate you "ranking" the trails too.

    Again, thanks!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Safety Meeting


    Hi Joe,
    Like Rage said you should be fine on the trails at ScoCoPa. Nothing too scary. I wanted to tell you that there is a map in the 'bucket' at the trail head that shows the new Long Grove (south) Loop. We rode last night and everything is in great shape, just a few wet spots left over from the deluge. We will be out there again tonight if it doesn"t rain. To the Bikes!

  5. #5


    Well, wound up making it out there both yesterday afternoon and also this evening to check things out. We were very pleased with the trails that we rode and had a blast! You guys do a hell of a job maintaining the system that you have out there! Thanks for your replies earlier in the week, and for the work y'all put forth!


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