Another update. I talked to Ray today and we were thinking of possibly skipping the Urban Assault. Yeah, it would be pretty cool to do in Denver, but it's one less day of singletrack. That's a little less for the Urban Assault. Also, through my local bike shop we can get lift ticket and bike rental for a lot cheaper then if we just went to Winter Park (I think it was $40-$60, but I'll double check). Now remember, the same company that owns Winter Park owns Whistler. That means the same people who designed Whistler (the best downhill resort in the nation) are designing Winter Park. They are doing some pretty cool things out there, and are looking to make more of a name for themselves. As far as food and beer, I'm sure we can make this pretty cheap. Me and the girlfriend host plenty of guests and have a line of restaurants that offer good food at cheap prices (and cheap alcohol too). And I promise, I won't kill you with too much climbing.