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Thread: Loam Ranger is Finished!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default Loam Ranger is Finished!

    We opened up the final section of Loam Ranger this evening! A full loop of the system should be close to 3 miles now. Join us to celebrate tomorrow (Wed. 12/20) at 4:30pm for a group night ride! Details here: Dorrance Group Ride

    Loam Ranger (Blue Loop) Stats:
    • Length: ~1.5 miles
    • Volunteer Time Logged: +380 hrs
    • Skill Rating: Intermediate
    • Features: Rollers (60), Berms (15), Drops (10), Rock/Boulder Gardens (2), Log ride (1). More features are planned!

    Huge thanks to everyone who had a chance to come move dirt and lift heavy things with us this year!

    We're currently in the process of flagging the Black Loop and will plan a couple clearing work days over the winter months. Stay tuned...
    Last edited by DH001; 12-19-2017 at 10:36 PM.
    ⚒ Trails don't build themselves. ⚒

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