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Thread: Disgusting Substance

  1. #1

    Default Disgusting Substance

    Having bounced off a ScoCoPa tree and the adjacent forest floor , and after the usual moaning, self-pity, and a decent interval for pain and shock subsidence , a black tarry patch was noticed on the right shin. Coal black, low viscosity, sticky, and foul. Has anyone an idea of the provenance?

    Most barnyard and kennel wastes are easily identified. This was like flubber from Hell.

    It is imagined that a raccoon partially consumed a dead dog, was overcome by the foulness of its meal, died, decomposed and split open. An opossum, happening upon the reeking coon carcass, dined on its intestines, then tottered away to leave its own deposit in the exact spot where it would engender maximum disgust.

  2. #2


    I rode at DeWitt today and I had a large dime sized goo ball flung onto me. I thought it was tree sap but it had no smell and it wasn't sticky. Weird

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
    I rode at DeWitt today and I had a large dime sized goo ball flung onto me. I thought it was tree sap but it had no smell and it wasn't sticky. Weird
    what color was it?

    how did it taste?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    The black tar is most likely raccoon poo. Might want to bleach that shin and make sure your shots are up to date. Also not fun to clean out of dog fur.
    ⚒ Trails don't build themselves. ⚒

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