Actually I ride illinwek berms without issues anymore . sbp berm (final one mainly) for me is a pain and I've ridden it a lot. Either having a kicker while off camber or trying to transition on the exit messes me up.

Drew gave me some help on learning them faster.

Problem with illinwek from what I know is cross between going too high at too low of a speed and not leaning properly with the angle of the berm. Some bikes (like fat bikes) are more prone to climb up the berms if not leaned hard enough and not expecting it. I know that from experience

The final berm there is one where you go in high and come out low.

I know drew had posted a chart showing about where you should be on height into the berms vs your speed.

The biggest problem for me was mental, can't over think it. Just like small bermed corners in the dirt, just a lot bigger so you can go faster.

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