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Thread: Dorrance Glulam Bridge Project Info

  1. #1
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    Default Dorrance Glulam Bridge Project Info

    We are almost ready to start building the large Glulam beams for the Dorrance bridge. All dirtwork on the first loop is now comple and we finished pouring the bridge footings a couple weeks ago. I'll be updating this topic with progress and announcements for the bridge project as we move forward. The main holdup right now is finding a place to build the beams so I'm throwing it out to anyone who might be able to help us here (see below).

    • We need to find a large (working area of at least 38' x 15') heated shop area with power for this portion of the project. The structural epoxy adhesive used to glue the beams together can't be used below 50F. Doing the beam glue-up outside over the winter would require building a large temporary enclosure and heating it for +24 hrs (hopefully a last resort). It will probably take us 2-4 weeks to complete all three beams. It would be great if the location was close to the Port Byron area and on the IL side of the river to minimize hauling distance. PM me if you have a place in mind or are willing to lend us a space.
    • Once the beams are built, we'll also need a trailer/vehicle to haul them to the park. There are three 34' long beams weighing in at ~700lbs a piece.
    • I've found a route to haul the beams through the woods that is 700' from a road access point, downhill most of the way, and with minimal cross slope. At this point the plan is to use dollys or sleds to drag the beams from the trailer to the work site and then pick them up with ropes/rigging to fly them into position over the ravine.

  2. #2
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    We have a building! Illiniwek has given us access to use their shop area for the few weeks it will take to get the beams built. Thanks again to everyone who replied with offers to use their buildings! I'll post a workday when we are ready to start.

  3. #3
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    Default Workday Sat. Dec. 17th @ 10am

    Materials for the bridge beams are being delivered Thursday and I'm planning a work day for this Saturday (12/17) to start building the layup jig (shown in the above rendering).

    We're meeting at the Illiniwek Workshop (click link for directions) at 10am and working for a couple of hours. There isn't a ton of work to do yet but I'll need 2-3 people to help move materials, run screw guns, and cut lumber. Let me know if you plan on coming.

    If you have a cordless impact driver/screwdriver bring it along. We'll be using T-25 bits and have lot's of screws to drive. The shop is heated, has WiFi, and a bathroom.

  4. #4
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    Made some progress Saturday on the glue up jig. All pieces are cut, subassemblies nearly complete, and in a few more hours the jig will be fully assembled. Next step will be cutting fingerjoints and gluing boards into 36' long sections until we have enough for a beam. This may start middle of next week. No workdays scheduled next weekend b/c of the holiday.

  5. #5
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    Working at the Illiniwek Workshop again on Thursday 12/22 starting at 5:00pm. Plan is to finish the glue up jig assembly and start finger joining boards. Drill/drivers are needed again.

  6. #6
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    We finished assembling the glue up jig last week and are ready to start making finger joints and stretching boards this week. Once we get enough lumber assembled for a beam we'll start laminating which may be as early as this weekend.

    Meeting at the Illiniwek Workshop on Thursday 12/29 at 5pm again. Could really use 2-3 extra people for this stage since it involves handling long and awkward pieces of lumber. We will be working with epoxy so wear old clothes.

  7. #7
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    Made a little progress yesterday... Making finger joints has a learning curve and took a while to get it dialed in. We'll be back at the shop on Sunday 1/1 at 10am and hopefully get enough lumber stretched to start laying up a beam next week. 2-3 extra people again should be plenty of help.

  8. #8
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    Default Workday Tues. Jan. 3rd @ 6pm

    We finished the first batch of stretched boards earlier today and are going to start laminating/gluing the first beam this Tuesday (1/3/17). Meeting at the Illiniwek Workshop at 6:00 pm and expecting to stay for ~2 hours. Wear clothes you don't mind trashing. Will need a minimum of 5 people to make the glue up operation work. Without 5 we can't get it done fast enough (epoxy pot life is only 30-40 mins). Please let me know if you can make it! If you have an impact driver/drill with a socket adapter bit and/or a 15/16" socket that will fit on that bit bring those as well (needed to tighten clamps).

    Two days after glue up we'll be ready to pull the first beam blank off the form. On that note, if anyone has an engine hoist (like pictured here) and doesn't mind lending it to us for a couple of weeks to move the beams around PM me. Each beam blank weights ~700 lbs and a 1 ton hoist would do the job.
    Last edited by DH001; 01-02-2017 at 12:44 AM.

  9. #9
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    The first beam blank is currently in the form curing.

    Also, still looking for an engine hoist to get the first blank off the form ASAP. We have the shop for about 2 more weeks before we have to clear out.

  10. #10
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    Default Workdays: Sat. 1/7 @ 2pm & Sun. 1/8 @ 12pm

    The Illiniwek staff and I were able to get another batch of boards stretched for beam #2 on Thursday. Haven't had any luck tracking down an engine hoist so we're going to build a simple wooden hoist on Saturday (1/7) afternoon at 2pm to get the beam off the form. Will need 2-3 extra people to help move the beam once hoisted.

    For Sunday (1/8), I'm planning to do another glue up session if enough people are available. Meeting at 12 pm at the Illiniwek shop and will need 6 more people to get it done. Let me know if you can make it. Epoxy is messy stuff so wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty forever.

    Tools we will be using Sunday and could use extras to speed up the work:
    - Belt Sander or Power Planer
    - Pipe or Bar Clamps
    - Drill & Impact Drivers
    - 15/16" Socket (For tightening the threaded rod clamps)
    - Sawhorses (2 more would be great. Ours are 30" high.)

    If you bring tools, write your name on them with a Sharpie or some kind of label so we can get them back to you if they get lost.

  11. #11
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    Found a hoist and will be moving the first beam off the form today at 2pm.

  12. #12
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    Default Workday - Tuesday 1/10 @ 6pm

    Not enough people on hand today to get a beam glued together but we finished all prep work needed before glue application. Scheduling a work day for Tuesday (1/10) @ 6:00 pm to do the glue up. We'll need 6 or more people to get it done; expect it to take 1.5-2 hours. Please let me know if you plan on coming!

    Also, planning on stretching more boards with the Illiniwek park staff this Thursday and will be ready for the final beam layup next weekend. Tentatively scheduling another work day Sunday 1/15 @ 12pm noon for the final beam.

    The next workday will be on Monday Jan. 16th at 6pm. Meeting at the Illiniwek workshop again to glue up the final beam (will need 6 people). Decided to move it to Monday since Sunday is prime riding time.
    Last edited by DH001; 01-11-2017 at 12:25 AM.

  13. #13
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    Default Workday - Monday 1/16 @ 6pm

    On Tuesday we finished glue up of beam #2 (photos above).

    This morning the Illiniwek park staff and I stretched the last batch of boards for beam #3 and also removed beam #2 from the form. We still need to get these boards prepped/sanded for glue up. If anyone has a couple hours Sunday morning/afternoon let me know and we can work on it (only need 1-2 extra people for this). Planning to glue up the final beam on Monday 1/16 @ 6pm at the workshop and will again need at least 6 people to get it done. Please let me know if you will be there.

    By the end of next week we'll start milling the beams to final size and applying preservative (this may take a 1-2 weeks for all beams).

  14. #14
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    We ran out of a key component of our epoxy system last week (can't do glue up without it) and the replacement batch was supposed to be delivered today. It didn't show up so I'll have to delay the glue up portion until it arrives. This may be Tues. or Wed. this week but I'm not sure yet. Will update when known.

    I still plan on being at the workshop at 6pm tonight to get boards prepped and do minor repairs to the glue up form. Won't need as many people as before; 2-3 more should be plenty.

  15. #15
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    Scheduling the next (and final) glue up for Wed. 1/18 @ 6pm at the workshop. Will need 6 people again. Let me know if you can make it!

  16. #16
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    I'll be there

  17. #17
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    Finished glue up of the final beam Wed. Check out a timelapse of the process here: Beam Glue-up Timelapse

    Will be puling it off the form tomorrow with the Illiniwek staff and then tearing down the form to make room for final milling of the beams. May start applying preservative over the weekend if milling goes as planned... Once that is done, they will be ready to move to Dorrance. The ground will have to re-freeze before we can take them off road though.

  18. #18
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    The beams are finished! Completed them over the weekend and will be ready to haul them to the park once we source a trailer. Currently checking into a couple leads on trailers but if you have a connection let me know. A low deck height for easy unloading would be great and a length of 30 feet would be necessary to comply with IL trailer overhang rules. The beams are 34'-8" long and total weight will be ~2100 lbs.

    Once on site, we'll have to wait until the ground refreezes to move them to the final resting place and it may be a while before that window opens. A wheeled dolly (like shown above) will be used to roll the beams down to the creek from a ridge line access road. This is a 700' distance through a gentle sloping valley with 60' of elevation drop (about 8% grade). Once at the site they will need to be lifted across a 30' ravine that is +10 feet deep. Come-alongs, ropes, and pulleys will get the job done here.
    Last edited by DH001; 01-24-2017 at 11:03 PM.

  19. #19
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    Thanks to a local farmer with a huge trailer and skid steer we were able to get the beams moved to Dorrance last Saturday. Next step will be transporting them to the bridge site when the ground refreezes. The beams need to cross a swampy area on the dolly which is fully thawed and really soft right now. They're also green now from applying a wood preservative (copper naphthenate); it should fade to brown over time.

  20. #20
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    Looks like the ground isn't going to freeze anytime soon so I'm planning a trial move of the beams this weekend to see if it's possible with the thawed ground. Goal is to get them staged near the bridge site and ready to move across the ravine on Feb. 25-26th.

    Meeting this Saturday (2/18) at 11:00 am at Dorrance. We'll be working from the clearing at the top of the fire road just north of the ball diamonds (see map below). If you arrive late, the main gate will be closed but unlocked. Please close it behind you if you drive up.

    Click to enlarge.

    The first task will be to clear a path (sawing out deadfall & removing brush) to haul the beams in. Then, loading a beam on the dolly and rolling it downhill into the ravine. We may also need to construct a temporary log causeway over a swampy area to get the dolly through.

    Tools/equipment that would be helpful:
    • Cable/Chain Hoist (we have one, could use another, needs to lift/lower 700lbs)
    • Tow Straps & Rope (working load of >700lbs)
    • Chainsaw with PPE (chaps, gloves, & eye protection at minimum per Ranger's orders)

    I'll also have a few rogue hoes & pruning saws available for clearing. A group of 5-6 people would be ideal. Let me know if you're coming.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Me and a friend will be there to help. See you then.

  22. #22
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    I'll be there tomorrow Drew. To get an idea of what I was getting myself into I took a walk down the proposed pathway this evening. Holy Cow!

    I can bring my winch and tow straps. The downed trees and brush didn't look too bad so I'll leave Sawzilla at home and just bring my small chainsaw.

    While checking out the area I met a very nice older couple who were out for a walk. They asked me to convey their sincere appreciation for FORC's work. They are frequent walkers and really enjoy the trails.

  23. #23
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    Chris, bring your winch & straps. I'll have ours too but it wouldn't hurt to have a spare. We'll have three saws there, including yours, which should be plenty.

    So far, I've had 6 people confirm they will be there, which should be enough, but the more the merrier.

  24. #24
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    Took the beams out for an off-road adventure today! Happy to report we were able to get all three to the staging area by the creek. The only casualty being a dolly wheel axle. RIP.

    Next step is getting them across the creek which will happen on 2/25-26 or 3/4-5. I'll post more specific details once I have a better idea how the weather will play out this week; looks like the rain is coming...

  25. #25
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    Checked site conditions today and the ground is already really muddy from yesterday's rain. It wouldn't be wise/safe to move the beams given the conditions. The 80% chance of rain on Turs/Fri will probably make conditions worse. I'm going to delay the move until the weekend of 3/4-5 hoping for better conditions.

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