I talked with the Illiniwek ranger about this issue a few months ago and we both agreed the number of reported user conflicts, at that time, wasn't serious enough to require a change. The day is coming though with the growing popularity of the trails. When we do switch, I will be pushing for alternating directions based on the day (eg. CCW on odd days and CW on even days) given the limited amount of trail on the property.

We will shortly be rerouting the steep south loop climb to make it less dangerous, more sustainable, and more fun. There are definitly areas on that trail where a descending rider will have a difficult time stopping for a climbing rider or hiker given the steepness. I expect the reroute will also relieve congestion on the long south downhill because it will create the most direct and easiest climb to access the top south trails. From the few reports I have heard, the south climbs/descents seem to be the areas with the most conflicts.

Changing to directional trails isn't something we can will to be based on a website vote since it is up to the land manager to approve the change. Such a change would also require updating the signage which may cause some resistance since it was just recently installed.

There are a few things people can do in the meantime to reduce the chances of a collision:
  • Ride within your abilities and always assume there is someone around a blind corner.
  • Make noise when approaching blind corners by either giving a holla' or getting a bell. I've been riding with a bear bell I picked up at WalMart for $3 in the camping section.
  • If you can, avoid riding around peak hours (usually 4:30-6:30 pm on weekdays).
  • Start impromptu group rides at the trailhead or when you meet someone on the trails so more people are riding the same direction.