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Thread: Illiniwek trail direction

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Illiniwek trail direction

    I know this subject has come up before, but this really needs to be addressed. There are more people riding at Iliiniwek and its getting dangerous. Today i was going up the steep south loop and a
    guy about ran into me and when i was going down the gradual downhill, i about ran into someone. Maybe a website vote?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Stephen's Park


    I agree at least some trails should be directional. For example one trail dedicated to climbing and one for descending... The top trails I ride both way and it too can be dangerous. But i would hate to dictate the trails direction given the trail isn't that long.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I agree, hills only

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    East Moline, IL


    I think its fine and would hate to not be able to ride it both ways. Some people put noise makers on their bikes so others can hear them, some people holler when coming around a corner. Do what works for you but always be aware that there are always other people and wildlife on the trail and remember you are mountain biking and there are risks involved

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    It'll likely be a big hill to climb to get dedicated trail directions at Illiniwek. Depends mostly on working with the Ranger and how he/they want to run the park.

    In the meantime we all could do our part in advocating the "Rules of the Trail", most notably --

    #3 Control Your Bicycle. Ride within your limits and the limit of the trail. Know the trail systems in the QCA are busy and expect riders, hikers, and other users around corners.

    #4 Yield to Others. As cyclists, we are at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to yielding to other users. You always, *ALWAYS* yield to a hiker, equestrian, dog walker, etc. I've stopped and talked to numerous hikers at Sunderbruch and they're surprised I'm stopping and dismounting to allow them to pass--their response is a resounding Thank You--I let them know bikes always yield to hikers, to which I typically get the response of "sure wish they all would do that." Further, and just as important, when going downhill you always yield to another cyclist travelling uphill.

    Of course, not many users are aware of these "rules" so as the local MTB advocacy club we all need to do our part in practicing and communicating with other trail users.

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    "ya, well...that's like...your...opinion. man."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    I talked with the Illiniwek ranger about this issue a few months ago and we both agreed the number of reported user conflicts, at that time, wasn't serious enough to require a change. The day is coming though with the growing popularity of the trails. When we do switch, I will be pushing for alternating directions based on the day (eg. CCW on odd days and CW on even days) given the limited amount of trail on the property.

    We will shortly be rerouting the steep south loop climb to make it less dangerous, more sustainable, and more fun. There are definitly areas on that trail where a descending rider will have a difficult time stopping for a climbing rider or hiker given the steepness. I expect the reroute will also relieve congestion on the long south downhill because it will create the most direct and easiest climb to access the top south trails. From the few reports I have heard, the south climbs/descents seem to be the areas with the most conflicts.

    Changing to directional trails isn't something we can will to be based on a website vote since it is up to the land manager to approve the change. Such a change would also require updating the signage which may cause some resistance since it was just recently installed.

    There are a few things people can do in the meantime to reduce the chances of a collision:
    • Ride within your abilities and always assume there is someone around a blind corner.
    • Make noise when approaching blind corners by either giving a holla' or getting a bell. I've been riding with a bear bell I picked up at WalMart for $3 in the camping section.
    • If you can, avoid riding around peak hours (usually 4:30-6:30 pm on weekdays).
    • Start impromptu group rides at the trailhead or when you meet someone on the trails so more people are riding the same direction.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Way up north where the twin rivers meet


    I wish people had to recite the Rules of the Trail upon membership renewal. Every time I see the surprise on a hiker's face when I yield to them, I know that the majority of my fellow bikers are not doing the same.

    Also, I almost always holler "rider up!" prior to hitting a blind corner and assume that there is something on the other side of that curve/hill. Getting down the hill safely is more important than that MPH record you're trying to set.

    The day a MTBer crushes some walking kid on a trail will be the day all of the club's hard work goes for naught.

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    Dirt Don't Hurt

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    After thinking about the directional situation, my thought would be to make them directional based on the day, NOT the date. I always know what day it is, but don't know the date 1/2 the time. The club could vote on the better direction and give that the majority of days, and then the signage is relatively simple. At each sign location you'd have large color-coded text/arrows for the M/W/Fr direction and the Tu/Th/Sat/Sun direction, or whatever the decision is, large enough to read without having to come to a complete stop. I talked to some hikers yesterday about this possibility and they were excited about the added safety of directional trails!

    Another thought I had would be to with maintenance/signage on some of the old bike trail that has been abandoned (thinking of the north loop interior hillside) and the hiking trail at the bottom of the main ravine. Would it make sense to add hiker-only signage so there is an obvious alternative to the shared trails?

    Just some thoughts. Thanks for all the hard work on the trails. The latest additions are great!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Thanks for the feedback Nate. This is a map detailing the new signage plan.. Examples of the new sign post decals.

    I considered using day names instead of calendar date but chose the latter because less text was required on the decals. I figured since most people carry a phone now they could lookup the date if unsure. Either way would work fine.

    The goal was to keep text on the decals at a minimum and rely on color and symbols to improve readability for bikes. Text on a 3" x 3" decal is so small it is impossible to read unless you are almost stopped and less than 10' away; OK for hikers but not ideal for bikes.

    We were told NOT to rehab the trails on the upper north loop near the overlook before the previous ranger retired. The old trail to the west of the intersection with the pedestal trail map can probably be rehabbed though. I'll talk with the current ranger and see what we can do.

    I know the out and back hiking trail that runs up the creek is confusing people. Earlier in the year, the park workers blocked the entrance with brush to close it but it was quickly re-opened by users. I think the park is ignoring it exists at the moment (it isn't on the official map). If we have extra posts, I'll add one there to point users to the new trails.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Thanks Drew Should be safer

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Damn Drew, you work quickly - nice job - and good point on the phone! I need to make better use of mine :)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    I would agree having designated sections of trail directional. Were only talking about a few proposed sections that are quite short. It won't take long for those who ride IFP frequently to figure it out, and it should alleviate "I forgot what day it was?"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    I agree with directional and odd/even is simplest. Everyone has a phone as said and the weekends which is where it'll make the most impact, there's others to ask if needed.

    Directional would awesome because there are some narrow spots 2 way traffic is dangerous. I had a tire come off the bead at the worst possible spot on north loop. And of course im going ccw and just happens to be 2 riders coming down going cw that I saw out of the corner of my eye. Had I not hollered could have been dangerous. And I was originally watching for ones coming from behind me. No ones fault just bad place to be stuck trailside for a few minutes apparently.

    I can foresee problems/injuries from collisions as if this last Saturday is any indication, fall is a very busy time there. First time i ever encountered riders going cw on north loop. And tons of hikers.

    My concern now is how to avoid hikers that stand in the middle on blind sections and shouting does no good. Hard to stop 270lbs on a dime lol.
    Sent from my Nokia Stupid Phone using Tapatalk

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