Place your order for a dry-fit t-shirt IN YOUR SIZE on the FORC store now until Aug. 15th.
Options: Crew neck with green Logo, women's fit v-neck with pink or green Logo. Delivery date Oct. club meeting on Oct 6th.
Place your order for a dry-fit t-shirt IN YOUR SIZE on the FORC store now until Aug. 15th.
Options: Crew neck with green Logo, women's fit v-neck with pink or green Logo. Delivery date Oct. club meeting on Oct 6th.
Why are there so many women, youth, and toddler choices and so few for men ?
"I've spent half of my life riding a bike, the other half I wasted!"
Apparently we need men's crew in pink so options are fair :P
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Keep those dry fit orders coming in! Also, while you are visiting the store, you might want to pick up a jersey. They are 15% off. Night sky and pink splash designs are available.