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Thread: WBP Trail Work Day- Sat. Oct 19th @ 9AM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default WBP Trail Work Day- Sat. Oct 19th @ 9AM

    The next trail work day at Westbrook is this coming Saturday (10/19) at 9AM. We will be doing clearing and dirtwork so if you have your own tools for those tasks bring them along. If not, we have a bunch of club tools that you can use. Plan on working for around 3 hours and Dave will be providing lunch again for the volunteers. Please RSVP for food estimates.

    We aren't sure exactly where we will be working yet. I will post the location by Friday evening. Most likely section 3 listed on the map below. The sections of trail that have yet to be completed on the first loop are shown as orange dashed lines. All the green stuff is currently (mostly) complete.

    Work Area Map:

    UPDATE: We will be working on Section 3 listed on the above map this Saturday. The quickest way to get to the work area is to take the paved path south of the parking lot, across the bridge, to the "T" intersection. Go right at the "T" and follow the path for a while. Turn right off of the paved path onto a section of gravel doubletrack just before Section 2. Follow the doubletrack to the clearing of the disc golf course and continue walking straight south across the fairway until you reach the tree line near the RR tracks (the roaring noise from US-61 should be to the West if you need to a point of reference).
    Last edited by DH001; 10-18-2013 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    East Moline, IL


    I should be there, poison ivy/zombie outbreak finaly cleared up with the roids dr gave me after a month of hell and itching. I'll bring my rogue hoe and shovel, probably won't do any clearning as I'm now afraid of plants though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    EP and I will be out of town. Bummer. I'm excited to get this loop finished up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    was hoping to go but already had plans with family, hope to make the next on though

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