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Thread: Trail work Thursday 8/1 3pm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States

    Default Trail work Thursday 8/1 3pm

    Aight Thursday planning on being at westbrook to finish the section. No worries if this is a bit early for anyone, follow drew's map from this last Saturday as that's where we'll be. Hoping to get enough ppl to finish it that night and be done and ready to start new section this coming Saturday.

    Bring tools if at all possible since club tools won't be there to hand out.

    Sturdy shoes, bug spray, gloves, and something to drink. We shouldn't be really doing anything that requires long sleeves and pants so leave that up to you.


    Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    We don't have any more trail flagged for the coming Saturday so I think the best plan is to use this week and weekend to wrap up what we already have started. Brad, Dave, and I are coordinating to get a significant chunk of the green loop flagged before next next Saturday (8/10) where we are hoping to have a large turnout. Dave is putting together lunch for the volunteers after that work day. Lets not get ahead of ourselves and jeopardize the quality of trail we are building.

    A few things that still need attention on previously constructed trail:
    • A few stumps still need to be dug out on the section from two weeks ago (west side of the disc golf holes)
    • One corner is in need of a berm or some tweaking because it is too severely out-sloped (located in the far Southwest corner near the RR tracks)
    • Digging out the stumps and clearing the remaining brush from the section we worked on last weekend (East side of disc golf holes).

    Also note that the section we cleared last weekend still hasn't had the final trail placement marked so I would advise against putting in the trail bed until we have had a chance to double check the alignment and finalize the trail placement (hopefully Sat. morning).

    Since the undergrowth at Westbrook is so thick right now (thus limited sight lines for trail layout) the general trail building process becomes a four (instead of three) step process and more time consuming:
    1. Flag a preliminary trail corridor through the undergrowth.
    2. Clear the undergrowth to make the underlying terrain visible for final trail alignment.
    3. Refine the corridor and mark the final trail alignment.
    4. Construct the trail tread.

    Once the undergrowth dies back we should be able to omit step 2 in most situations. Normally we layout trail in the late fall or early spring when there are no leaves because we need to be able to see 50-100 feet in front of us in order to establish good trail flow. Current conditions make it difficult to see 20 feet in many areas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Thnx for full detailed list drew, I just knew of stumps to clr. Now I can make a checklist of things to do if you or Dave aren't there when i am. Sounds like plenty to do for Thursday and Saturday :)

    Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    De Witt, IA
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Westbrook Park


    I'll be there are 3. Daved

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Hey gotta change to 3:30. Sons mom went into hospital yesturday so had to pick my son up then instead of tomorrow. So just gotta wait till wife is off work at 3 so he can hang out with her while I come work on the trail.

    Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

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