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Thread: 2nd Creek Crossing on LT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Way up north where the twin rivers meet

    Default 2nd Creek Crossing on LT

    What the F is going on with me?!? I used to clear that climb On a regular basis. For some reason this year I'm lucky to make it 10 feet. Help me out here. What strategies, mind set, gearing etc are you using to clear it?

    Is it just me or is it actually harder to traverse this year? Can't be that my Slingshot climbs better than my Niner or Fatbike.

    I've always tried to garner some speed at the bottom the climb from the outside up. I think I sit and spin but I'm not sure. 'Preciate the advice!
    Dirt Don't Hurt

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Interstate 80


    Pedal harder.

    Haters gonna hate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Rage View Post
    Pedal harder.

    "Start and end at a brewery, and a very cool snow and Ice urban/cross country, lake ride in between with flasks ful of Krakin... YAH MON!!!!" - Vibrato

    "Every one of you should ride a bike and be yourself. I really and truly believe that bikes make the world better, and that anyone who spends some time getting used to life on the saddle will find that it makes their life and the world that their life is locked to, better; in almost every way." -Gern Blanston, Surly Bikes

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hampton, IL
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    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    I heard someone say earlier in the year to stay close to the large tree on the left.

    I used to make it 90% of the time a few years ago and now it is more like 50%. I don't ride Sunder as much now as I used to and I don't know all the new lines but that climb seems to have gotten harder.

    I find the sit and spin approach better for technical climbs. When mashing on the pedals the rear tire is more prone to slippage because of the uneven application of torque and higher peak forces throughout the revolution. The tire looses traction mid mash and typically causes a temporary loss of balance which leads to dabbing or corrective steering and wastes any momentum you may have had before. Unweight the front and rear wheels by changing body positions when passing over larger roots and try to be as smooth as possible to maintain traction on the rear wheel. Also, time the pedal stroke to start when the back tire first makes contact with the root/obstacle to help lift the bike over it. When you do it correctly it should feel like the bike is floating over the obstacle instead of crashing into it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by badfish41 View Post
    I mean I agree, just pedal harder Dirt!

    I've had problems at times as well, but I just find the later in the year and the stronger my legs get the more times I get up it. It's definitely a fun challenge.
    "Start and end at a brewery, and a very cool snow and Ice urban/cross country, lake ride in between with flasks ful of Krakin... YAH MON!!!!" - Vibrato

    "Every one of you should ride a bike and be yourself. I really and truly believe that bikes make the world better, and that anyone who spends some time getting used to life on the saddle will find that it makes their life and the world that their life is locked to, better; in almost every way." -Gern Blanston, Surly Bikes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Pueblo, CO.


    This YEAR? I thought SBP has only been open for a day.

    Last year the line changed when that tree was taken out, and now it's harder to get over the roots. I just stay standing and hop the bike over them.
    I may have to grow old, but I'll never have to grow up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Rock Island IL.


    Must have added some backfat;-)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Way up north where the twin rivers meet


    Practice. Got it. Thanks Drew for the extra tips. Hard to believe the race is less than a month away.
    Dirt Don't Hurt

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