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Thread: It's Already Been Said, but Deserves to be Said 1,000,000 more times

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default It's Already Been Said, but Deserves to be Said 1,000,000 more times

    THANK YOU to everyone that contributed in making the SIS IX one of the best ever!

    Vonda... Queen V. Girl, you rocked it. Everything you and your crew do in the registration tent is absolutely crucial in keeping the event running's easy for your efforts to be overlooked on the surface but it definitely isn't easy doing what you do. I don't think I've ever had a quicker, smoother, and easier time at a race registration tent...ever.


    Kings and Neips...dudes. You guys do an amazing job of keeping everything organized and delegating to all the volunteers. Thanks for dealing with everything you dealt with so we all, and you both, could enjoy a great day of racing. I heard the day went so well because of Kingsbeard...but it could just be a rumor...I don't know.


    Dave and Carol of The, what can I say?! You did a fantastic job, as always, of organizing and dispatching all the volunteers to their assigned spot on the course - I showed up, you told me where to go, handed me a vest and a radio, and away I went. Simple. We didn't have much in the way of injuries this year, so that was good!


    AG & The Griesenbeck one can ever say you don't put in the time for this club. You guys are FORC. The bales, the signs, the raffle, the swag, all the other odds and ends that needed be brought to and fro the shed. It's a lot of grunt work and year after year you just. do. it.


    Every other volunteer, no matter how much time you contributed - course setup and teardown, course marshalls, emcee(s), etc, etc, etc...there are way too many to go down the list...

    THANK YOU!!!

    I love you guys.

    <group hug>
    "ya, well...that's like...your...opinion. man."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Safety Meeting


    I couldn't agree with jimithng more, especially the part about me.
    Kings, Nieps, AG & his staff, Amanda & crew, Trail Care Guys, Registration folks, super job, you guys make it look easy. Vonda, we are not worthy seriously, top shelf!
    Special thanks to Len and Amber G., MTB patrollers extraordinaire, so dedicated to first aid, Len self- inflicted a wound for them to practice on. That's hard core! And to all the course marshalls who gave their time, racer encouragement and perhaps a bit of thier liver, the race could not have run without you.
    FORC; pixie & I enjoy riding our bikes in the woods; but sitting on the ground after the race, bone tired, beer in hand, reliving the day, with the great friends we have made in this club is the icing on the fat tire cake. Thank you all!! peace

  3. #3


    I'd like to thank the registration tent crew: Josh, Emily, Sarah, Megan, Mandy, Brittany, Ella, Janet, Becky, Jamie, & Sorya. We couldn't have done it without you! We registered 314 racers and 26 kids! Thank you! Thank you!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    FORC Re-noobie


    THANK YOU to everyone that led the efforts to pull off such a great event, on a great course, on a great day! THANKS!!

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