Quote Originally Posted by Dirt View Post
You know what FAT biking reminds me of?
1. Racing BMX bikes against the dudes who lived on the opposite side of Spring St from me growing up (we weren't old enough to cross the street, yet, and hang out together but we could race on our respective sidewalks)
2. The time I bought a Moab 3 and my buddy bought a Moab 2 (just to one-up me...Mielke? Ring a bell?) and we went out and road gravel roads, corn rows, hiking paths, ATV jumps...whatever the F we could find.

Yesterday, Kings, Raul and I went in planning to ride on a team together. Without telling us, the "director" split us up on 3 different teams with 6 other dudes that none of us knew beforehand. Did we piss and moan? No. Well...Maybe for about 30 seconds. Then the mood turned to oh well...Who gives a siht and let's just roll with it. Frankly, I think it turned out better than the original plan. Just a bunch of Top Tube Surfin', PBR drinkin', bike porn gawkin' goofballs out having a helluva good time! No stress. No drama. Just hoppin' on a bike and having a good, old fashioned happy, fun time.

I don't ever wanna grow up.

Oh and Sixers...Dude. Your zest for biking is akin to an 18yr old in his sexual prime who continually overdoses on his grandpa's Viagra. I freakin' love it! Don't even get me started on that ensemble you were rocking yesterday: part hipster, part snow trekker, part athlete and part lumberjack... I like your style, My Friend.
Great post, but it has left me with some questions. Ok, one question.

Your zest for biking is akin to an 18yr old in his sexual prime who continually overdoses on his grandpa's Viagra.
Uhh, does that really happen? I mean, I don't know about anyone else, but when I was 18 the last thing I needed was more "encouragement".