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Thread: Trailwork: Illiniwek - Sunday 4 Nov. @ 10AM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default Trailwork: Illiniwek - Sunday 4 Nov. @ 10AM

    It would be great if we could get the remaining reroutes finished by the end of November (which is quickly approaching). I'll be out this Sunday starting at 10am and working until 2-3pm. The switchback is mostly done and only needs some finishing touches. The plan is to concentrate on building trail this time and that means we need a lot of people power. I have spare tools for around 8 people. If you have your own rogue hoes or flat shovels bring them along in case we don't have enough tools. The weather should be great for trail work! See you there!

    Map of where we will be working (Click for large version):

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Thanks for the help to everyone that made it out today! We finished the lower section of the reroute and the switchback corner is now open to ride! Please discontinue using the old trail as we are in the process of permanently closing and rehabbing it. This new segment should make for a much easier climb to the top, more fun on the way down, and will require very little maintenance in the future.

    Get out and ride it in!

    Here are a few photos from today:

    Before <---------------------> After

    I posted the rest of the photos Jordan took today in the following gallery (look on the last pages): Trailwork

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Looks great guys, can't wait to ride it!
    "ya, well...that's like...your...opinion. man."

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