The IMBA Chapter program seems like a logical next step for FORC to take. The last couple of years I've been lucky enough to ride some singletrack that was purpose built for mountain biking , and developed using power tools and resources that our outside of our current capacity (Brown County comes to mind, and just rode Elm Creek in the Twin cities this weekend). This was unheard of 10 years ago. There's clearly a positive new climate to trail development, and it has a lot to do with the ground work IMBA has been laying over the years. I'm not sure if we'll see similar development in our area as a Chapter, but I believe it's unlikely we'll see it otherwise.

I think the advantages of being a Chapter have been pretty clearly spelled out in earlier posts. One additional insight: as a board member of ICORR, I was part of getting through our 501(c)3 status. Took a lot of work. Guess what - this year's tax filing was much more involved than in the past; I'm concerned about burning people out who now will have to deal with that annually (we're still a small group of "do-ers"). Don't be fooled that there is only the up-front pain of getting that status. I'm interested in how that would be handled as a Chapter.

I'm concerned about managing membership costs. You'll see in many forums (and even in this thread) a lot of people questioning the need to join the local clubs. Raising membership fee to cover the IMBA requirement could deter some people from joining. I'm less concerned about the loss of funds than the loss of memberships. I wonder if we could work a deal to manage lower total cost and take less in order to address this? Good topic for Hansi. We spoke at the MWMBF about the multiple club concerns and IMBA is already working on how to manage that. I'm not sure if they have resolved it, but they get it and I believe they are committed to a solution that will work for all. Again, another good topic for Hansi.

If you're not growing, you're dying. I want this club to keep growing.

That is all,