So I had to put out a thanks to speedjunkie. Him showing up when he did caused me to go ahead with the third loop run/second run on longrove (Scocop). With that and doing eveyrthing I could not to fall too far behind so he had to wait minimal time for me to catch up....

I MADE MY FREAKING WEIGHT LOSS GOAL, well goal 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Under 300lbs!!!

cause scale doesnt rate less than even lbs going to say 298.5 (somewhere between 299 and 298)

THANKS SPEED FOR DOING THAT LAST RIDE WITH ME, it helped alot on many lvls!!!

Goal 2 is 275 but being holidays/winter coming up I am not going to expect to hit it before spring, but I will be working on it so if I dont make it, I am within a few pounds by next season!!!