Quote Originally Posted by jimithng23 View Post
Sunderbruch has gone through some changes since your last visit do if you enjoyed your ride there in '10 I would suggest a return.

Along with Sunder and Scott County Park, consider Illiniwek Forest Preserve. Amazing flowing downhills. You'll ride over 5 miles and not even know it. Tons of fun.

Rule of thumb with the QC trails (IMO)
-Sunder for technical (full loop is approx 6.5 miles)
-Scott County for miles - 1 full lap is approx 11 miles.
-Illiniwek for swoopy, flowy "earn your dirt" downhills, about 5 miles for a loop.

I'd offer to ride with ya but Saturdays don't work for me. I'm sure someone will post up to show you around.

Have fun!