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Thread: help...front wheel left behind at the stampede

  1. Default help...front wheel left behind at the stampede

    first off, much thanks to FORC and all those that organized or worked the race today. It was my first time mountain bike racing and I had a blast! However in my post-race excitement and de-mudding myself I forgot to load my front wheel after securing my bike in my truck, and somehow didn't see it before I left. I was parked in the far lot in front of the big tree to the left when pulling in. hub/rim/spokes are black, avid disc, specialized tire. Please if anyone found or finds it please let me know! I hope this is my only big flash of stupidity this season.... thanks again for a great race!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Colona IL.


    Any Pics hope you find your front wheel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    My dad ended up finding a wheel as you described hanging on his bike carrier. PM me.

  4. Default

    pm sent, thanks. I don't have a pic of "my" wheel, but its exactly like this except my rim is bare, no decals

  5. Default

    wheel has been located! thanks all

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