Building Some Trail Tonight 6/7 @ 5:30
In case you haven't heard, there's some trail that needs built at Sunderbruch.
I've got a few hoes and some shovels. Meet me in the parking lot at 5:30.
If you show up later just head back to Jubilee, find the party deck (you can't miss it, trust me) and follow the trail east and around the bend and that's where you'll find me, along with Dave and Carol of the Browns. Sounds like Deck-master-Raul will be there and maybe one or two others.
I would love to have 2 or 3 peeps helping me tonight. PM, call, or text me 563-676-8534
Last edited by jimithng23; 06-07-2012 at 08:24 AM.
"ya, well...that's like...your...opinion. man."