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Thread: April 11 Trail Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Interstate 80

    Default April 11 Trail Day

    April Trail Day will be at Sunderbruch Park. We decided at Monday's meeting to have it Saturday the 11th since Easter is on Sunday. We'll focus on opening the main loop (Comlara and Farmdale) and try and get as many others in shape for riding as we can. We plan to meet at 8 a.m. If you arrive late, give a holla to find out where to go. 781-1217.

    Haters gonna hate.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Sunder Trail Day

    Teams for Sunderbruch Maintenance on Sat.

    You can join any team you wish...

    If you are hauling equipment, drive up the blacktop road and park in the area where Comlara crosses, otherwise walkup the blacktop. If you arrive after 8, there will be a crew working on the Comlara trail on the on the right side. There will be maps to help locate the other teams or just ask a fellow FORC’er, they will be more than happy to tell you where to go!

    We could use 1 or 2 open back pickups that would be willing to drive around the field to drop off some material and people. Someone bring McClouds.We can use lots of hands to help get Sunder open.

    Here’s the line up!

    Team Re-route

    Leader: Ray

    Objective: Re-Route a section that is eroded and slowly falling into a ravine. Close off old trail. I will meet with Ray before to flag the route. Biggest challenge is the thick grass.

    Tools: Big weed whacker to cut elephant grass. Yard Boss to lay in trail bed. Rakes flat shovels …anything else you think will help.

    Team Spaz

    Leader: Brad

    Objective: Repair / improve washed out log crossing. Place a couple of pipes in lower level and then make smooth corduroy. Use nearby downed trees.

    Tools: Chain saw, shovels, muscle

    Team Rake and Roll

    Leader: Rage

    Objective: Split works up and Rake all Blue and Green Trail except Kickapoo. I you have time, hit some Black trail.

    Tools: Rakes, more rakes

    Team Laying Pipe

    Leader: Mark

    Objective: Repair / replace eroded drain pipes and repair eroded trail beds. Starting at Comlara at Blacktop road and working counter clock wise.

    Tools: Shovels, metal rakes, tampers, Chain saw, hack saw.

    Bring your bikes, water and sources of energy.

    Let me know if I forgot something. I will have some donuts.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Late SBP report filed by Mielke

    Just got back from SBP...

    Getting the green/blue loops open on Saturday shouldn't be too difficult. We have a few trees/shrubs down that are blocking trail and the trail is still a bit soft in areas.

    Kickapoo Up/Down is a mess and will probably remained closed after Saturday, I would think - really wet and severely damaged.

    Thanks for the scouting report Aaron, now get back to baby watch!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks Mark!

    Hope everyone has a great time at the trail day tomorrow! It won't be too much work to get the green/blue loop opened up so have fun. :banana:

    Looks like Mark has done a great job with organizing and planning the day so it should be very productive. Way to go buddy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    rock town


    i second the great planning by mark. man you got stuff goin on. i still plan on being there, hand and a half now, not quite 2 yet so you see where you would like me that i would be of most use. makes no difference who i work with, just wanna lend the helping hand. see you there.
    the wheels on my bike go round and round......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Did I say flat shovels?

    If not, Rage says they will come in handy....

    Hope to see you in the morning!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Interstate 80


    Would be a good deal to bring flat bottom shovels for smoothing out the trails while we rake. Been a lot of damage from water/deer/horses...

    Haters gonna hate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Sunder Trail Day

    Making a list of workers, help me if I missed someone...

    Rage, Ray, Dru_B, Phil, Eric, Andu_J, Ryan N, Bunny Hop Ryan, JB, Rick, Browns, Brad, New member with Browns(help me).

    Went out today, rode a lap and took pictures. It is hard to believe it is the same trail when you look at the before pictures. I plan on posting some of the before and after pics.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Board Position


    Aaron and I rode it Sat. Looked great wish I could have helped. The only thing I would suggest... ride it!
    You'd understand if you know what I was talking about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    After talking with a few people that were at the trail day, it isn't really clear but...I want to give a H U G E shout-out to whoever is responsible for putting in the very nice and smooth "bridge" on the 2nd creek crossing on LT. Very, very nice and looks like it should be sustainable.

    Many other areas were repaired and smoothed out --- too many to name here. Let's just say there were smiles abound during Saturday and Sunday's ride out there.

    All in all, it looks as though Saturday's trail day was very successful. Nice job FORC!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Safety Meeting


    Quote Originally Posted by nenninma View Post
    Making a list of workers, help me if I missed someone...

    Rage, Ray, Dru_B, Phil, Eric, Andu_J, Ryan N, Bunny Hop Ryan, JB, Rick, Browns, Brad, New member with Browns(help me).

    Went out today, rode a lap and took pictures. It is hard to believe it is the same trail when you look at the before pictures. I plan on posting some of the before and after pics.


    Hey Mark,
    We worked from a little after 8 to a little after noon. Smoothed out Kickapoo down (though still very mushy in the usual soft spots, could use a few drains) and cleaned the green loop backwards to the cemetary. The 'newbies' were Tom Cassidy and his son Peyton. They were a great help and Peyton is looking forward to his first ride out there...after he gets the training wheels off his rig. Thanks again to both of them. Thanks to Mark for organizing...and the donuts. PS I have Tom's application, waiver and fees to join up with the FORC circus.
    Dave & Carol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Rock Island, IL


    The Bernards haven't had a chance to get across the river yet, but once the Stampede is over, we'll be all over that!!! Thanks SBP TCC for some serious kick-butt work! You are appreciated!! Can't wait to ride!
    I wanna ride!

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