Teams for Sunderbruch Maintenance on Sat.

You can join any team you wish...

If you are hauling equipment, drive up the blacktop road and park in the area where Comlara crosses, otherwise walkup the blacktop. If you arrive after 8, there will be a crew working on the Comlara trail on the on the right side. There will be maps to help locate the other teams or just ask a fellow FORC’er, they will be more than happy to tell you where to go!

We could use 1 or 2 open back pickups that would be willing to drive around the field to drop off some material and people. Someone bring McClouds.We can use lots of hands to help get Sunder open.

Here’s the line up!

Team Re-route

Leader: Ray

Objective: Re-Route a section that is eroded and slowly falling into a ravine. Close off old trail. I will meet with Ray before to flag the route. Biggest challenge is the thick grass.

Tools: Big weed whacker to cut elephant grass. Yard Boss to lay in trail bed. Rakes flat shovels …anything else you think will help.

Team Spaz

Leader: Brad

Objective: Repair / improve washed out log crossing. Place a couple of pipes in lower level and then make smooth corduroy. Use nearby downed trees.

Tools: Chain saw, shovels, muscle

Team Rake and Roll

Leader: Rage

Objective: Split works up and Rake all Blue and Green Trail except Kickapoo. I you have time, hit some Black trail.

Tools: Rakes, more rakes

Team Laying Pipe

Leader: Mark

Objective: Repair / replace eroded drain pipes and repair eroded trail beds. Starting at Comlara at Blacktop road and working counter clock wise.

Tools: Shovels, metal rakes, tampers, Chain saw, hack saw.

Bring your bikes, water and sources of energy.

Let me know if I forgot something. I will have some donuts.

