The weather is looking pretty dang nice for the week, so is there any interest in a group ride this Thursday at Sylvan? I'm sure there will be a lot of people wanting to ride either with a group or not, but let's at least try to get a good time to meet and get into a couple groups based on how fast you want to ride.

Everyone of all skill sets and speeds will be there, so please don't feel like you'll get left behind or lost. We'll get into a couple groups and once with that group, everyone will ride together and leave no one behind, until you have to go or are ready to have a beer in the lot. I've heard a lot of people this past weekend comment on how much more fun it is to ride Sylvan when you can follow someone that knows a good route to lead the group. So let's get that going. Less than 5 weeks until the Stampede!

I can be there by 4:00, but am open to any time. What times work best for the majority? With the time change, it should stay light enough out until 7 or so.

Cheers to the beautiful Spring weather!!!