Ladies, I'm sorry, but Mother Nature apparently didn't want us to ride tonight. Our NCLB sessions are done for 2011 (I'm really busy in October and couldn't commit to regular meetings). But I WOULD encourage you to post rides on the forum ( and work on getting more and more saddle time. Your skills will continue to improve, I promise you. And, when you post a ride, especially if you're new (and there are lots of new people who are intimidated about posting rides on the forum... but I guarantee you they'd be delighted to have the opportunity to ride with other newish riders), specify your riding skill and anticipated speed (slow, medium or fast is acceptable). Just give others an idea what to expect so they can decide whether it is a group ride they'd want to join. Meeting people who have comparable skills is awesome!

Did you know that you can subscribe to threads on the FORC forum -- like the "Let's Ride" thread? You have to have a user ID for the forum and then just subscribe. You will be get email notifications when people post rides. This is a super handy feature! The other ones I like are the Open Forum and the Classifieds section. People are always selling stuff and it's often for very reasonable prices. So, where I was going with my babbling is that I'd encourage you to use the forum to put rides together as well as see when others post rides. DO JOIN IN ON THE RIDES! The more the merrier! You will meet neat people and you'll become better mtn bikers the more you ride. And, you'll make friends!

If you like what you experienced through the NCLB session, please consider joining FORC. We work dilligently to build and maintain our trail systems and part of membership dues finance the tools needed to get the work done. Of course, mandatory insurance premiums is another chunk. Last, dues help cover web hosting costs and make it possible for us to put on events such as our races and events (Sylvan Island Stampede, the Midwest Mtn Bike Fest, MTB 101 classes, etc). If you think we can do better, please please please offer your suggestions!!

It was a delight to ride with everyone and I look forward to seeing you on the trails!

Warmest regards, Bexter