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Thread: Fleck Video By Ho-Jong

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Thumbs down Fleck Video By Ho-Jong

    Credit for this is Ho-Jong, does excellent videography.:cool:

    Might have to download or take off HD.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    rock town


    watch closely about 1:10 or so. when you see me go over the bars.............that's the big break. broken scaphiod. (bone in wrist) screw goes in tomorrow then casted for at least six weeks. great...

    since there's not one that's a kick in the nuts......
    the wheels on my bike go round and round......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    DUDE!!!!!:eek: that sucks! Sorry to it hope you mend fast
    You'd understand if you know what I was talking about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Its a testament to your skill that your wreck was actually on film. I was scolded for wrecking while not on camera.

    Hope your recovery goes well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Marion IA


    Sorry to hear about your wrist man. It was great watching you guys ride and have a good time. Can't tell you how much our group appreciates you guys making the trip.

    I've built two of the kicker ramps. The biggest one and the small one that jumped over the ladder bridge. I'm still pretty sketchy on them largely due to lack of skill but partly due to fear. Even cracked two ribs hitting the big ones and landing on my face. So it's good to know they've been put to good use.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to heading your way this summer and doing some riding and some bottle-top cracking with you guys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Right Here
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Sunderbruch


    Dru B, why would you do that? Just kidding...that really sucks!

    Now we're both in the broken scaphoid bone club.

    I actually broke my scaphoid bone on the last game/last play during football my senior year of high school. I went to the hospital the next day and they just said it was sprained and put a splint on it. 6 years later I fell and used my hand to soften a fall and re-broke it. Went to the ortho and he asked me if I had broken it in the past but I said no. I told him that I sprained it in that HS game and he said that I broke it then and it partially healed itself. The second time I had to get 3 screws and some wire to hold it in place which will never come back out.

    It's actually a pretty crappy bone to break because there are so many other bones right next to it but you'll heal and be back on your bike before you know it.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Unhappy Wrist Bone

    I'm sorry to here about this.
    I remember running after an ice pack to give my wife for someone.
    Never did see who it was for & no one ever said a thing to me about injury.:(
    I just found out by checking this forum.

    We wish you a speedy recovery. I feel like crap!
    I may not be doing this next year.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    rock town


    flecka............ no...........please don't cancel the indoor rides. it was great. i'm sorry you weren't properly informed, but at the time i didn't think it was that bad. got right back up and actually hit the jump a couple more times before it was hurting too bad.

    i do not feel you are responsible at all................i am a grown man and take on FULL responsibility.

    please don't let this ruin future indoor attempts. all the respect in the world to you my friend, and thanks a million for giving up the warehouse for an awesome day.

    hopefully there will be a 3rd annual....
    the wheels on my bike go round and round......

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Cedar Rapids

    Default mtbersgettingtogeth

    Awesome time, thanks everyone for making the trip, good to see / ride with you peops again. Like Farmboy said, will mos def plan to make some trips your way this year.

    Dru, sorry to hear about your wrist... not a good way to begin the riding season; hope quick healing finds you, do what your doc says - I can't even imagine doing a nose manny on that stuff, let alone with no front brake

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Bruises...

    You say "lets make bruise's" which i'm very good @ everyday.
    Let's just not break anymore bone's.

    Thank's for being cool spirited about it.

    I still feel crappy, this hinders whatever you do for job or early MTB season.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    rock town


    i agree. the broken part sucks a bunch, but as an experienced faller, i've learned that it comes with the territory. if you participate in any extreme activity you're bound to fail at some point. just so happens that this time it was at your place. hell, i could have just as easily been here at the davenport skatepark on sunday and maybe would've come out worse all together.

    don't let this get you down, things will work themselves out. remember...i made an adult concious decision to play hard. don't feel bad or guilty at all and keep on keepin on. i'm gonna, just maybe not today or tomorrow but soon enough.

    thanks again, ride on, ride hard.

    p.s. i'll really try not to "break" any more bones this season. try to keep it to bruises.
    the wheels on my bike go round and round......

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