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Thread: Trailbuilding: Tuesday and Thursday March 17 & 19 @ 5:30 PM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default Trailbuilding: Tuesday and Thursday March 17 & 19 @ 5:30 PM

    Tuesday we will be clearing and grubbing trail.
    Tools to bring: rouge hoes, pulaskis, loppers, pruning saws, and chain saws.

    Thursday we will be back to digging.
    Tools to bring: flat shovels, rouge hoes, mcleods, anything that will move dirt.

    For both days, we will be meeting in the upper parking lot at 5:30.

    The mosquitoes are starting to make their debut so bring some bug repellent. We will be working near poison ivy, nettles, and other plants that will cause you discomfort unless you wear pants, long sleeves, and gloves.

    I will post if we have to cancel due to weather.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    The stated dates should be for May not March. That is this week.

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