The 'Fest committee worked hard to raise funds for this year's MWMBF. As a result, we have several partners on board and we are confident that we've raised enough money to ensure that we will have one incredible event this summer! As many of you know, and all of us should, we had 3 companies, in particular, come up HUGE. I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to say how much they contributed so let's suffice it to say they gave us more than you're probably thinking...Nope. Even more than [I]that[I]. These 3 companies are Rock Valley Physical Therapy, Ray's Indoor Mountain Bike Park, and Advocare (Pam Klim Distributor). First off, all of our partners totally rock!

Secondly, it's up to us to thank all of our partners any way we can be it going to Rock Valley (or Genesis Health - another big sponsor) for physical therapy after you break your arm in a rock garden, take a pilgrimage to Ray's Milwaukee, or using Advocare's supplements. In any case, be sure to let these businesses know that you are patronizing them because they support us!

So to my point...Pam Klim with Advocare really wants our biking community to be exposed to Advocare's products. I've partnered with Pam to get an exclusive offer for all FORC members: For a limited time, you can get 40% off any supplement products! This is a price normally exclusive to distributors with Advocare but in this case requires no further purchase from you to take advantage.

Advocare has products that range from weight loss to energy-enducing to performance elite. So whatever your goal: getting in shape, getting through the day, or maximizing your strength & endurance, Advocare has something for you! If you have questions or any interest, you can PM me or come to the next FORC meeting (6:30 4/4/11) where Pam will be in attendance for questions.