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Thread: Need help....wife wants to ride

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States

    Default Need help....wife wants to ride

    But there's a catch:

    My wife was "traumatized" as a child, her dad ran her straight into nasty bushes when trying to teach her as a kid.


    I got her an old trike when I first started riding again but she didn't like it. So sold that.

    Just said something to me today, she wants to learn to ride so we can ride as a family and its something we can both do to exercise together.

    So has anyone taught an adult to ride and if so can u give me some pointers on how best to do it. If I do this right some day I may get her on the dirt with me and the boys (of course when baby old enough)
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Moline, IL


    It's easier than teaching a child. Just sit her on a bike and let her try to ride. When she starts to fall she'll catch herself. There are no real tricks to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Hopefully its that easy lol. Like her to experience even the joy in just crusing the bike path here.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    FORC Re-noobie


    Build her confidence first, the rest should follow.
    Lower the seat so she can touch ground comfortably while seated (standard bike fit/adjustment is not applicable until she's ready). Pull bars back a bit if you can, giver her upright position, not attack/forward mtn biking.
    Go someplace paved and FLAT, large old abandoned parking lot maybe.
    Go someplace without other people around, so she won't worry about them watching or colliding.
    Slowwwww and easy, get her confidence up, and only try new things when She is sure She is ready.
    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hampton, IL
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    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Echoing what Guldy said, set the seat low so she can comfortably touch the ground and have her just stride around on the bike first to get a feel of how to balance, steer, and use the brakes. Maybe even take off the whole crank/chain assembly and make an adult version of the StriderĀ®. After she has balancing down, throw in pedaling. What trips up many beginners is trying to pedal, balance, and steer all at the same time. Master them one at a time and it will be a piece of cake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Thanks guys, I didn't even think about the whole "self conscious of ppl around" thing. And she's already really self conscious, had I just hit the path here that could go badly.

    Lol Drew, I told her I would do just that, go adult strider then put the cranks back on.

    I'm trying to locate a bike atm cause she won't let me get her something decent till she's sure she can ride. So watching CL and such to see if I can find something that's not total crap for her to learn on then ill get money set aside to get her a proper hybrid or something of that sort. I had been considering getting her a recumbant trike but have a hard time choking that kinda money down for it to go the way of the old trike. Pulling this off opens up so much if I can give her the bug that she's been missing her whole life.

    Sent from my Nokia Stupid Phone using Tapatalk

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