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Thread: Sunderbruch park is closed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Sunderbruch park is closed

    Please stay off the trails until it dries and damage is fixed.
    "Start and end at a brewery, and a very cool snow and Ice urban/cross country, lake ride in between with flasks ful of Krakin... YAH MON!!!!" - Vibrato

    "Every one of you should ride a bike and be yourself. I really and truly believe that bikes make the world better, and that anyone who spends some time getting used to life on the saddle will find that it makes their life and the world that their life is locked to, better; in almost every way." -Gern Blanston, Surly Bikes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Just a daily reminder to all that Sunderbruch is closed. The trails received significant damage over the past few days and even though it is nice and sunny out and hasn't rained in a few days, the trails are not open to anyone. I hope to make it out this weekend to assess the damage and see what can be done to repair the trails.

    We as a club need to realize that with Sylvan Island being closed that we do not have "Go ride Sylvan" to fall back on after a rainfall and nicer weather. Also the users that would have rode Sylvan are now going to the other 3 trail systems, one of which hasn't even been open to ride for 6 months, which means a lot more tires and wear on SBP.

    This is a usual weather year so far, not every year is like last where we were riding trails everyday all summer with little to no rain (Which is also bad for trails, but I digress) and we have to realize and understand there will be days, if not weeks, where we cannot ride on dirt trails. Just because you see a green "OPEN" does not mean you can ride in the mud and destroy trails. If you see they are in bad shape and shouldn't be ridden, get off them and let someone know on the forums.

    If trail abuse is continued and closed trails are ridden, they can get to the point where FORC will have to close them for an extended period. I, for one, would hate to see that. The cities and counties are nice enough to grant us permission to build and ride on their land, so we can't abuse that or it can be taken away.

    So pretty please, with sugar on top, do not ride closed trails and if you encounter bad areas, don't just make them worse by riding around them or through them. Come to a trail day and you'll see how much work is put into everything and it will make you realize the trails don't just magically build and fix themselves.
    "Start and end at a brewery, and a very cool snow and Ice urban/cross country, lake ride in between with flasks ful of Krakin... YAH MON!!!!" - Vibrato

    "Every one of you should ride a bike and be yourself. I really and truly believe that bikes make the world better, and that anyone who spends some time getting used to life on the saddle will find that it makes their life and the world that their life is locked to, better; in almost every way." -Gern Blanston, Surly Bikes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Most people that are reading this thread or the forum will respect the trails. How much of the trail abuse is due to unaware people (granted it should be obvious when to stay off)? Is there anyway to post closed signs at the trail head like at SCP? I know it is easier there because of a ranger and you have already processed this but the people who respect the trails don't get to use them while idiots (unaware people) continue to ride.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Kranz, I think you have highlighted one of the main reasons we are seeing so much trail damage at SBP.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Eldridge, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by Kranz33 View Post
    Most people that are reading this thread or the forum will respect the trails. How much of the trail abuse is due to unaware people (granted it should be obvious when to stay off)? Is there anyway to post closed signs at the trail head like at SCP? I know it is easier there because of a ranger and you have already processed this but the people who respect the trails don't get to use them while idiots (unaware people) continue to ride.
    I was wondering the same thing. Couldn't we put a sign right in front of the the bridge that just says "Mountain Bike Trails: Open/Closed" I know it would be a bit of a hassle to get out there and change the sign all of the time but it might help with some of these issues. I am in that area quite a bit and would be willing run down there and change the sign if someone asked me to do it, I think there is plenty of people that would be willing to do that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I often have time to change a sign, too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hampton, IL


    It's ashame that we have to go through this type of thing every year. If you want to call yourself a Mountian biker than you need to live the part, this means that you not only ride off road but you also help out by helping maintain and build trail. By doing this you will begin to understand the real mountain biker life style, if not your nothing more than a want- a- be!

    "I've spent half of my life riding a bike, the other half I wasted!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Pueblo, CO.


    every year someone new joins the sport. we need to constantly inform people. Then, of course, there are a select few that just don't care. I heard recently about several people riding closed trail that know better. We need to have some signage so nobody can claim ignorance. I think it would be easy to inform the park ambassador when the trail status changes and have them flip a sign when opening the gates.
    I may have to grow old, but I'll never have to grow up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Moline, IL


    Every time I sell a mountain bike I make it a point to explain how people can find out if the trails are open or closed and how they can do damage if ridden when closed. I also point them to get involved with the club. I'm not sure what the other shops do, but I feel it's part of my responsibility as a salesman and FORC member.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Man before i even touched a trail for the first time I researched found club site and read up on things and paid attention to the rules. Closed trails constantly due to weather, sucks ass but way better than loosing trails for long periods and making ppl waste valuable riding time having to fix them.

    I agree with russ we need a sign out there that's obvious cause random ppl aren't going to check the site just going to assume since its public trails.

    For those that know better maybe a more proactive approach. Learned a more public humiliation gets the point accross.

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