Last minute decision, Steve, Bruce Nelson, Sean and Ella made the trek up to Platteville to ride your bike in the Block House Roll. And I'm glad we did!!! We rolled up just in time for Bruce to start the Expert Race. 25min later Steve and I took off on the Sport race. Like Cannady has said in the past "You have got to do this event!" Our only regrets were we should have brought our tents (Bruce may have an other). The race was tough no doubt but lucky there was plenty of after partying to do. This people made us feel welcome right when we pulled up with a phone call from Mark Hirsch saying "Glad you made it".
A Saturday race is diffidently the way to go. It was nice not having to get home and worry about trying to work the next morning.
This is already on my calender for next year.

To you all at the Block House Roll