Considering the funding issues this year, I think this is a timely survey for IL residents...

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As Director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, I believe it is important to hear from our constituents. I urge you to TAKE OUR ON-LINE SURVEY ( to tell us your opinions on important natural resources and outdoor recreation policy issues. (You may need to “control and click” to make the link work.)

The survey asks your opinions about public access on land for recreational activities, programming and recruiting for youth outdoor nature-related activities, and options to fund conservation and outdoor recreation.

Answers are confidential, and will not be attributed to you. Survey results will be presented at the Conservation Congress (a gathering of Department constituents to develop policy recommendations for elected and appointed officials) in October to inform the debate.

The survey closes on October 16 so don’t delay. If you are a resident of Illinois, we want to hear from you.

Yours in Conservation,
Marc Miller, Director
Illinois Department of Natural Resources