In all the years I've been riding SBP (since July 27, 2009) I've run 32:20 on my 26'' Surly 1x1. During last night's ride I noticed from their cadance the other SS riders had much higher gearing.

Here's the difference I noticed: I always lost them on descents but caught up on climbs. Now, part of this may be that guys like Rage may have ridden SBP once or twice more than I and with a little more experience I'll know better when to let go of the brakes and won't lose people on descents like I was.

In the twin cities I'd usually ride a 32:16 or 32:18 depending on the trail and my own personal physical condition. I've been rocking the 20t cog lately because the little trail I've been building in Wells, MN seems to demand it. Next time I may try an 18t but that 20t sure was nice on those climbs coming out of L.T.

Now, being this is the Internet, I'll end with some flame bait to get the conversation going: I'm smart and sexy 'cause I use 32:20 and the rest of you with different gearings are stupid.
